Part 51 (1/2)

=Mathews, Robert.= =Hd= English secretary to Haldimand, 245, 305; signs order for arrest of Du Calvet, 286; sails for England with Haldimand, 309; on Mrs. Fairchild, 314; Haldimand's interest in, 331; returns to Canada as aide-de-camp to Lord Dorchester, 332; sent to Detroit as lieutenant-governor, 332; receives bequest from Haldimand, 342.

=Maubec, Abbey of.= =L= Revenues of, a.s.signed to bishopric of Quebec, 131, 132, 136, 137.

=Maupa.s.sant.= =F= Recollet father, Frontenac's confessor, 165.

=Maurelle, Francisco Antonio.= Sailed to the North-West Coast with Quadra in 1775, and again in 1779. Embodied the results of the explorations in several charts of the coast with explanatory text, which were published in Mexico and also in London. His journal of the 1775 expedition published in Barrington's _Miscellany_, 1781. Commanded the _Princessa_, 1781-1782, on a voyage from Manilla to San Bias. =Index=: =D= On North-West Coast, 15. =Bib.=: Walbran, _British Columbia Coast Names_; Bancroft, _History of the North-West Coast_.

=Maxwell, Colonel.= =W= Sent to frontier with troops in 1839, 135.

=May, Sir Humphrey= (1573-1630). Born in England. Educated at Oxford. In 1604 groom of the King's privy chamber; in 1618 surveyor of the Court of Wards, and chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster; and in 1625 privy councillor; in 1629 one of the commissioners appointed to negotiate a settlement in North American affairs between England and France.

=Index=: =Ch= English commissioner in matter of Canada, 214. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=May, Sir Thomas Erskine.= _See_ Farnborough.

=Meade, George Gordon= (1815-1872). In 1865-1866 commanded the military division of the Atlantic, during which period prevented the Fenians from making Eastport, Maine, the base of operations against New Brunswick.

=Index=: =T= Sent to check Fenians, 107. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am. Biog._

=Meares, John= (1756-1809). Born in England. Entered the navy, 1776, and served against the French until 1783. Entered the merchant service, 1783, and explored the coast of Alaska, 1786. Explored and surveyed the north-west coast of America, 1789. =Index=: =D= Winters 1786-1787 in Prince William Sound, 22; half his crew die of scurvy, 22; voyage of 1788, and his connection with ”Nootka Affair,” 26; at Canton, 1788, 27; expedition to North-West Coast, 27; at Nootka, 27; purchases land from Maquinna for fur-trading post, 27; builds _North-West America_, at Nootka,--first s.h.i.+p launched in what is now British Columbia, 28; explores coast southwards, 28; enters and examines Strait of Juan de Fuca, and takes possession for Great Britain, 28; sails for China, 28.

=Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Medley, John= (1804-1892). Born in London, England. Graduated at Oxford, 1826; ordained priest, 1829; vicar of St. John's, Truro, 1831; of St. Thomas, Exeter, 1838, and prebendary of Exeter cathedral, 1842.

Elected first bishop of Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1845; metropolitan of Canada, 1879. =Bib.=: Mockridge, _The Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland_; Dent, _Can. Por._

=Meech, Lieutenant.= =WM= Makes reconnaissance of Island of Orleans, 92.

=Meilleur, Jean Baptiste= (1795-1878). Born in St. Laurent, near Montreal. Educated at the College of St. Sulpice, Montreal; studied law, and, later, medicine. Elected to the a.s.sembly, 1834, and appointed superintendent of public instruction by Sir Charles Bagot, 1842. Held this position for fifteen years, during which time forty-five educational inst.i.tutions were established. In 1862 appointed postmaster of Montreal. One of the founders of the College of L'a.s.somption.

=Index=: =BL= Appointed superintendent of public instruction by Bagot, 115. =Bib.=: Bibaud, _Dict. Hist._ and _Pan. Can._

=Melbourne, William Lamb, second Viscount= (1779-1848). Born in London, England. Educated at Eton, Cambridge, and Glasgow. Entered Parliament, 1805; Irish secretary under Canning, 1827, and under Wellington, 1828; and in 1830-1834 home secretary under Grey; for a few months in 1834, prime minister. In 1835 again became prime minister and retained office for six years; from 1837 to 1841 acted as adviser to the young Queen Victoria. =Index=: =Sy= Becomes prime minister, 45; dismissed by the king, 45; recalled to power, 46; weakness of his government, 47; his estimate of Poulett Thomson, 6; resigns, 56; returns to office, 57; Cabinet reorganized, 57. =W= Negotiations _re_ New Brunswick crown lands, 37. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._; _Letters of Queen Victoria_.

=Melville, Henry Dundas, first Viscount= (1742-1811). Sat for Midlothian, 1774-1790, and for Edinburgh, 1790-1802; home secretary, 1791-1794; secretary of war, 1794-1801; first lord of admiralty, 1804-1805. =Index=: =S= Secretary of state, thought Simcoe's educational schemes premature, 169. =Dr= Colonial secretary, disapproves of Dorchester's speech to Miami Indians, 283. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Melville, Henry Dundas, third Viscount= (1801-1876). Served through Rebellion of 1837. General, 1868. =Index=: =Mc= Defends Windmill Point, 443; accepts Van Schoultz's surrender, 444. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._

=Membertou, Henry= (1510?-1611). Micmac sagamore; became a convert to Christianity in extreme old age. In 1604 De Monts and his band of colonists landed in Acadia, and the chief received them hospitably.

a.s.sisted the French against hostile Indians, and in 1607 with a force of Micmacs defeated the Armouchiquois Indians. In 1610 baptized, with his family and other Indians; and was counted a zealous son of the church.

Is reputed to have been over a hundred years of age at his death.

=Index=: =Ch= Aged Indian who claimed to have known Jacques Cartier, 36.

=Bib.=: Parkman, _Pioneers of France_.

=Membre, Zen.o.bius= (1645-1687). Born in France. The first novice in the Recollet province of St. Anthony. In 1675 came to Canada; in 1679 a member of La Salle's expedition to the West; and in 1682 accompanied La Salle on his voyage down the Mississippi. In 1684 again a.s.sociated with La Salle on his second expedition to the mouth of the Mississippi.

Killed at Fort St. Louis, in an Indian attack. =Index=: =L= Recollet missionary, 149, 150. =Bib.=: Parkman, _La Salle_.

=Menneval, Robineau de.= Governor of Acadia in 1689, with headquarters at Port Royal. In 1690 Port Royal was attacked by the English, and after vainly attempting to defend it, captured and sent as prisoner to England. =Index=: =F= Governor of Acadia, 272; surrenders to Phipps, 274; carried prisoner to Boston, 276; released, 277. =Bib.=: Charlevoix, _History of New France_; Murdoch, _History of Nova Scotia_.

=Mercier, Honore= (1840-1894). Born at Ste. Athanase, Quebec. Educated at the Jesuit College, Montreal. In 1865 called to the Quebec bar; and in 1872 elected to the Dominion Parliament for Rouville. In 1879 appointed solicitor-general in the Quebec provincial a.s.sembly; and in 1883 elected member for St. Hyacinthe, and liberal leader in the House.

In 1887 premier of Quebec and held office until Dec. 15, 1891, when the ministry was dismissed because of the Baie de Chaleur Railway scandal.

Introduced the Jesuits' Estates Act in the Quebec Legislature. =Index=: =C= One of the founders of _Le Parti National_ and its organ _Le National_, 30; eulogizes the clergy, 30. =Md= Heads an agitation in favour of Riel, 243; incorporates the Society of Jesus, 286; introduces and the Jesuits' Estates Act in Quebec Legislature, 186, 287.

=Bib.=: Legendre, _Honore Mercier_ in _Men of the Day_; Willison, _Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal Party_.