Part 43 (1/2)

=La Perriere.= =WM= Commanded to evacuate Johnstone's redoubt, 140.

=La Place, Jacques de.= =Ch= Jesuit missionary at Miscou, 234.

=La Potherie.= _See_ Bacqueville.

=Laprairie.= On south sh.o.r.e of St. Lawrence, above Montreal. =Index=: =F= Attack on, by war party under John Schuyler, 281; serious encounter at, between Canadian forces and party under Peter Schuyler, 312.

=La Rabeyre, De.= =L= French officer, put to death by Iroquois, 227.

=La Ralde, Raymond de.= =Ch= Accompanies De Caen to Quebec, 138; returns to France, 141; appointed admiral of Company's fleet, 154.

=La Riborde, Gabriel de.= Recollet missionary; arrived from France in 1670, and sent to Cataraqui as chaplain to the garrison. Was in the West with La Salle and Hennepin, in 1679-1680. =Index=: =L= With Tonti and Membre at Fort Crevecoeur, 149; murdered by the Illinois, 150. =Bib.=: Parkman, _La Salle_.

=La Rochebeaucour, De.= =WM= Second aide-de-camp to Montcalm, 2; forms cavalry corps, 87; commands Bougainville's cavalry, 222; brings provisions into Quebec, 232.

=La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Francois Alexandre Frederic, Duc de= (1747-1827). Chiefly remembered because of his valuable and entertaining _Travels_, ”full of keen, fair-minded observation regarding every variety of detail of life in America as this exiled French n.o.bleman found it, told in a readable style, not without an occasional touch of humour.” Exiled from France in 1768; returned, for several years, and went into retirement until after Waterloo. Made a peer of France at the Restoration. =Index=: =Dr= Not allowed to visit Lower Canada, 290. =S= Visitor to Upper Canada, 56; his observations, 71, 73, 74; describes opening of Legislature, 92, 93; high opinion of Simcoe's secretary, 178; describes Colonel Smith's house, 179; on scarcity of servants, 182; entertained by Simcoe at Navy Hall, 187, 230; on Simcoe's household, 187; Simcoe objects to some of his remarks, 188; on Simcoe's military talent, 225. =Bib.=: Works: _Voyage dans les etats-Unis d'Amerique fait en 1795-97_; _etat des Pauvres en Angleterre_; _Le Bonheur du Peuple_.

=La Roch.e.l.le.= French seaport, on the Atlantic, long a stronghold of the Huguenots. =Index=: =Ch= Merchants of, contraband traders, 140.

=La Rouette.= =Ch= Pilot, accompanies Champlain in his expedition against the Iroquois, 52.

=La Salle, Jean Baptiste de= (1651-1719). Abbe; canon of Rheims.

=Index=: =L= Founder (1684) of the order of Christian Brothers, 125.

=La Salle, Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de= (1643-1687). Sailed for Canada in the spring of 1666; granted by the Sulpicians the seigniory of Lachine, from which, in 1669, he set out with Dollier de Ca.s.son and Galinee upon the first of those explorations towards the west and south for which he was to become famous. Meeting Jolliet at the western end of Lake Ontario, Dollier de Ca.s.son and Galinee decided to make their way to the upper lakes, while La Salle turned south and explored the Ohio. His later explorations have been the subject of long controversy--the point in dispute being whether he explored the Mississippi before or after Marquette and Jolliet. In any event, he first descended the river to its mouth, 1681-1682. Upon his return, sailed for France, and in 1684 set out with four s.h.i.+ps to establish a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. This unfortunate expedition culminated in the murder of La Salle by his own men. =Index=: =F= Sent to invite Indians to conference, 79; first commandant of Fort Frontenac (Cataraqui), 86; reports Perrot's defiant proceedings to Frontenac, 92; his views on sale of liquor to Indians, 123; obtains grant of Fort Frontenac from the king, 156; obtains exclusive right of trading in Mississippi region, 158; difficulties encountered by, 159, 161; relations with Frontenac, 162; discoveries disparaged by La Barre and also by the king, 176; financial affairs, 178; his forts and other property seized by La Barre, restored to him, 179; king takes him under his special protection, 180. =L= Sells liquor to Indians, 116; obtains letters of n.o.bility, and concession at Fort Frontenac (Cataraqui), 145; birth and character, 147; explorations, 148-153; goes to France, 151; misfortunes and death of, 152; reports sermon of Abbe Fenelon, 160. =WM= Discovers mouth of Mississippi, 19.

=Bib.=: _Memoir_, in French, _Hist. Coll._ of _Louisiana_, 2d Ser., vol.

2; letters and other doc.u.ments, in Margry, _Decouvertes_; Shea, _Voyages up and down Mississippi_; Parkman, _La Salle_; Winsor, _Nar. and Crit.

Hist._; Falconer, _Discovery of Mississippi_; Griffin, _Discovery of Mississippi_; Sparks, _La Salle_ in _Lib. of Am. Biog._; Gravier, _Decouvertes_; Harrisse, _Notes pour Servir_; Joutel, _Journal Historique_; Chesnel, _Histoire de Cavelier de la Salle_; Guenin, _Cavelier de la Salle_; Sulte, _La Morte de la Salle_; Girouard, _Lake St. Louis and Cavelier de la Salle_.

=La Sarre Regiment.= =WM= One battalion of, sent to Canada, 12, 29; in battle of the Plains, 192; in battle of Ste. Foy, 259, 261.

=Lascelles' Regiment.= =WM= In centre under Murray, 189; in battle of Ste. Foy, 259.

=La Taille.= =Ch= Accompanies Champlain to Quebec, 41.

=La Terriere, Pierre de Sales.= Came to Canada from France, 1766; appointed agent at Quebec for the St. Maurice forges, 1771; his place of business in front of the lower town market, facing the church of Notre Dame; in 1775 appointed inspector of works, and removed to the forges, on the banks of the St. Maurice, a few miles above Three Rivers. Left an interesting account of the works, in his _Memoires de Laterriere_.

Implicated in the American invasion of 1776, and arrested. =Index=: =Hd= Inspector of St. Maurice forges, 48; arrest of, 277; dislike of Haldimand, 277; suspected of supplying Americans with petards and cannon-b.a.l.l.s from St. Maurice forges, 277-278; his defence of Du Calvet, 284-287; his description of Haldimand, 293. =Bib.=: Christie, _History of Lower Canada_.

=La Terriere de Sales.= Represented Saguenay in a.s.sembly, 1844-1854; appointed to Legislative Council, 1856. =Index=: =E= Votes against secularization of Clergy Reserves, 164.

=La Tesserie, De.= =L= Member of the Sovereign Council, 158.

=Latour, Abbe Bertrand de.= =L= On the humility of Laval, 33; on the evils flowing from the sale of liquor to the Indians, 36; on mental characteristics of Canadian children, 100; on the virtues of Laval, 187.

=Bib.=: _Memoire sur la Vie de Laval_.

=La Tour, Charles Amador de.= Son of Claude de la Tour. Came to Acadia in 1610 with his father. Driven out of Port Royal by the English; built a post near Cape Sable, on what is now known as Port Latour. In 1632, when Acadia was restored to France, Razilly came out with Charnisay to strengthen the colony. Razilly died in 1636, and a bitter conflict followed between Charnisay and La Tour, both of whom claimed to represent the king in Acadia. Charnisay had rebuilt Port Royal, and La Tour occupied a fort at the mouth of the St. John. The outcome of the quarrel was an order for the arrest of La Tour. Charnisay attacked La Tour's fort, but was driven off. When he blockaded the harbour, La Tour escaped to Boston, returned with English s.h.i.+ps, and drove Charnisay to the shelter of Port Royal. The latter's opportunity came, however, later. He attacked the fort during La Tour's absence. La Tour's wife made a gallant defence, and Charnisay succeeded in the end only by resorting to treachery. He carried Madame La Tour to Port Royal, where she died in 1645. Some years later, after the death of Charnisay, La Tour brought this curious drama to a conclusion by marrying the widow of his rival. He had already obtained rest.i.tution from the king, who made him governor of Acadia; and some years later showed his powers of persuasion by obtaining a generous grant of land from Cromwell, who had, in 1654, taken possession of the colony. Died about 1666. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Old Regime_; Hannay, _History of Acadia_; Kirke, _The First English Conquest of Canada_.

=La Tour, Claude de.= A Huguenot gentleman; came to Port Royal in 1610 with Poutrincourt; in 1614 had a trading-post on the Pen.o.bscot. Sailed for France in 1627, and on his return the following year, with supplies for the defence of Acadia, captured by Kirke and carried to England.

There married one of the queen's French maids of honour, and was persuaded to throw in his lot with the English. Promised to win over his son Charles (_q.v._), but the latter scornfully refused to change his allegiance. Afterwards built a fort at the mouth of the St. John, for the French, to whom he had once more transferred his services. =Index=: =Ch= Captured by Kirke, 177. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Old Regime_; Hannay, _History of Acadia_; Kirke, _The First English Conquest of Canada_.

=Lattaignant, Gabriel de.= =Ch= a.s.sists in forming Company of New France, 168; made a director, 170.