Part 27 (1/2)
=Fort Edward.= =WM= General Webb in command at, 45.
=Fort Erie.= On Niagara River, opposite Buffalo. =Index=: =S= Military post in 1782, 51. =Bk= New fort planned by General Hunter, 59. =Bib.=: Lucas, _Canadian War of 1812_.
=Fort Essington.= On the British Columbia coast. Used by the Hudson's Bay Company as an intermediate post between Fort McLoughlin and Fort Simpson. =Index=: =D= Built by Hudson's Bay Company in 1835, 118.
=Bib.=: Bancroft, _History of British Columbia_.
=Fort Fraser.= In northern British Columbia. =Index=: =D= North West Company post, built on Fraser Lake, 98.
=Fort Frontenac.= =F= Erected at Cataraqui, 83; conceded to La Salle, 156; seized by La Barre, 178; restored to La Salle, 179; Dongan demands its destruction, 218; Denonville gives orders for blowing it up, 288; order partially carried out, 234; repaired, 234; rebuilt, 341. =WM= Protected outlet of Great Lakes, 17. =L= Recollet mission at, 111. =BL= Name altered to Kingston by the British, 73. _See also_ Cataraqui; Kingston. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Frontenac_ and _La Salle_; Sulte, _Le Fort de Frontenac_ (R. S. C., 1901).
=Fort Garry.= At junction of Red and a.s.siniboine Rivers, where the city of Winnipeg now stands. =Md= Wolseley and the expeditionary force arrive there Aug. 24, 1870, 162; murder of Scott, 242. _See_ Winnipeg.
=Fort George.= =Bk= Flag of Fort Niagara transferred to, 56; its situation, 56; planned by Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe, 58; mutiny at, 61; silences Fort Niagara, 309. =Hd= Captured by Major Carleton, 149.
=Bib.=: Lucas, _Canadian War of 1812_.
=Fort George.= On Fraser River. =Index=: =D= Simon Fraser sets out from, to descend Fraser River, 61; returns to, 61; built on Fraser River, by the North West Company, 98; ma.s.sacre of Hudson's Bay Company men at, by Indians, 1823, 105-107. =Bib.=: Bancroft, _History of British Columbia_.
=Fort George.= At mouth of Columbia. =Index=: =D= Astoria renamed, 149.
=Fort Gibraltar.= =MS= Built by North West Company, on site of Winnipeg, 99; begun in 1804, 158; captured by Colin Robertson, 178, and dismantled, 179. =Bib.=: Bryce, _Hudson's Bay Company_ and _Five Forts of Winnipeg_.
=Fort Glenora.= =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built on Upper Stikine River, 121.
=Fort Grey.= =Bk= American fort opposite Queenston, 300, 305.
=Fort Halkett.= =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built on branch of Liard River, 123.
=Fort Hope.= On Fraser River. =Index=: =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, founded shortly after Fort Yale, 186.
=Fort Kamloops= (=Fort Thompson=). =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built in 1813, 98.
=Fort Kootenay.= On Kootenay River, built 1807. Otherwise known as Kootenay House. =Index=: =D= Built by David Thompson, 58. =Bib.=: Burpee, _Search for the Western Sea_.
=Fort Langley.= =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built on Lower Fraser River, 1827, 116. =Bib.=: Bancroft, _History of British Columbia_.
=Fort Lawrence.= Built in 1750, on Chignecto Bay, three miles south of Beausejour, where the French shortly after built a rival fort. Fort Lawrence became headquarters of the expedition sent in 1755, under Monckton, to capture Fort Beausejour. =Bib.=: Parkman, _Montcalm and Wolfe_; Hannay, _History of Acadia_.
=Fort Le Boeuf.= =WM= Established communication with Lake Erie, 22.
=Fort Liard.= =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built on Liard River, 123; pillaged by Indians, and traders murdered, 123.
=Fort Loyal= (=Cas...o...b..y=). =F= Captured by Canadians, 252. =L= Taken by Canadians, 229.
=Fort Machault.= =WM= Established communication with Lake Erie, 22, 122.
=Fort McLeod.= On McLeod Lake, British Columbia. =Index=: =D= North West Company post, first permanent trading-post built in British Columbia, west of the mountains, 97-98. =Bib.=: Morice, _Northern Interior of British Columbia_.
=Fort McLoughlin.= On Milbank Sound, British Columbia. =Index=: =D= Hudson's Bay Company post, built by Finlayson, Manson, and Anderson, 1833, 117; moved to head of Vancouver Island and renamed Fort Rupert, 122; abandoned, 1843, 178-179. =Bib.=: Bancroft, _History of British Columbia_.
=Fort Miami.= =WM= On Miami River, 22. =Bk= Reconstruction of, by order of Lord Dorchester, 53. =S= Erected by Simcoe at rapids of Miami River, 136; measure strongly objected to by Americans, 137; General Wayne demands evacuation of, which Major Campbell, officer in command, refuses, 139; occupation of not approved by home government, 142.