Part 20 (1/2)
=Dawson, George Mercer= (1849-1901). Son of Sir J. W. Dawson (_q.v._).
Studied geology and palaeontology under Huxley, Ramsay and Etheridge at the Royal School of Mines, London. Geologist and botanist to North American Boundary Commission, 1873-1875. Appointed to staff of Geological Survey, 1875; a.s.sistant director, 1883; director, 1895. One of British commissioners in Bering Sea Arbitration, 1892. =Bib.=: For his numerous reports and papers on geological and allied subjects, _see_ _General Indexes to Geological Survey Reports_, 1863-1884, and 1885-1906; and _Bibliography of the Royal Society_ (R. S. C., 1894). For biog., _see_ Morgan, _Can. Men_.
=Dawson, Sir John William= (1820-1899). Born at Pictou, Nova Scotia.
Educated at Edinburgh University. Accompanied Sir Charles Lyell on his geological explorations in Nova Scotia. Appointed superintendent of education for Nova Scotia, 1850. of McGill University, 1855-1893, and mainly instrumental in building up the inst.i.tution from a small college to one of the first rank. Elected F. G. S., 1854, and F.
R. S., 1862; knighted, 1884. First president of Royal Society of Canada.
Author of many works on geology and palaeontology. =Index=: =T= Commissioner to investigate King's College, 48. =Bib.=: Works: _Acadian Geology_; _Story of the Earth and Man_; _Science and the Bible_; _Dawn of Life_; _Origin of the World_; _Fossil Men_; _Change of Life in Geological Times_; _Chain of Life_; _Egypt and Syria_. For biog., _see_ _Dict. Nat. Biog._; Dent, _Can. Por._; Taylor, _Brit. Am._; Morgan, _Can. Men_; _Cyc. Am. Biog._; Dawson, _Fifty Years' Work in Canada_.
=Day, Charles Dewey= (1806-1884). Born in Bennington, Vermont. Came with his parents to Canada, 1812. Called to the bar of Lower Canada, 1827; created Q.C., 1837. a.s.sisted in the prosecution of the insurgents who had been arrested during the Rebellion of 1837-1838. Appointed solicitor-general and called to the Special Council, 1839. Summoned by Sydenham to the Executive Council, 1840, and subsequently elected to the a.s.sembly for the county of Ottawa. Appointed judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, 1842; transferred to the Superior Court, 1849; resigned, 1862. Acted as commissioner for the codification of the civil laws of Quebec; as representative of Quebec on the Arbitration Commission appointed under the British North America Act to settle the claims of the provinces; and as chairman of the Royal Commission to investigate the charges against the Macdonald government in connection with the granting of the charter to build the Canadian Pacific Railway. Held the office of chancellor of McGill University from 1857 until his death.
Died in England. =Index=: =BL= Solicitor-general for Lower Canada, 1841, 76; represents British interests, 78; Baldwin's att.i.tude to, 80; introduces School Bill, 107; elevated to bench, 122. =Sy= Solicitor-general for Lower Canada, 283. =E= Judge of Seigniorial Court, 187. =Bib.=: Taylor, _Brit. Am._; Dent, _Last Forty Years_.
=Dean.= =Bk= Private of the 41st, gallant conduct of at Canard bridge, 236; praised by Brock on parade, 258.
=Deane, Silas= (1737-1789). Delegate from Connecticut to Continental Congress, 1774. Sent to France as secret political agent, 1776.
Instrumental in negotiating treaties with France, and bringing Lafayette to America. =Index=: =Dr= Advocates ca.n.a.l to complete navigation between Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence, 230, 231. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am. Biog._
=Dearborn, Henry= (1751-1829). Served through War of the Revolution; accompanied Arnold's expedition to Canada. Secretary of war, 1801-1809; appointed major-general, 1812, and a.s.signed to command of northern department in War of 1812; captured York, 1813, and Fort George, same year. Minister to Portugal, 1822-1824. =Index=: =Bk= Commanded United States troops in War of 1812, 192; at Plattsburg, 285. =Bib.=: _Cyc. Am.
=Dease, Peter Warren.= =D= In charge of New Caledonia for Hudson's Bay Company, 285. =MS= Succeeds William Connolly, 224; chief factor, 1828, 224; his explorations of Arctic coast, 224-225. =Bib.=: _Narrative of Discoveries on the North Coast of America_; Bryce, _Hudson's Bay Company_.
=Debartzch, P. D.= Engaged in journalism. First elected to the a.s.sembly of Lower Canada, 1810; member of the Legislative Council, 1815. =Index=: =P= Accepts Papineau's leaders.h.i.+p, 34; urges him to accept mission to England to oppose union of the Canadas, 46; his daughters, 46; withdraws his support of Papineau, 86; interview with O'Callaghan, 146; attacked by Papineau, 169. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Cel. Can._
=De Bonne, Judge.= =Bk= Resolution of a.s.sembly excluding, 126.
=Debt, Public.= =Sy= Arrangements for, under Union, 115, 193, 204, 205, 206, 207; estimated amount of, 319.
=Declaration of Independence.= In Upper Canada. =Mc= July 1837, its history, 330; work of Rolph and O'Grady, 330.
=De Grey.= _See_ Walsingham.
=De Grey and Ripon.= _See_ Ripon.
=Delagrave, C.= =E= Commissioner under Seigniorial Tenure law, 187.
=De Lancy's Brigade of Loyalists.= =Dr= Mentioned, 202.
=Delaune, Captain.= =WM= Commanded the volunteers who first climbed hill at Le Foulon, 181.
=Delaware Indians.= A confederacy, of Algonquian stock, occupying the basin of the Delaware River. They were known to the British as Delawares; to the French as Loups; and they called themselves, Lenape.
Early in the eighteenth century, the Iroquois brought them into subjection. They crossed the mountains, and formed settlements in eastern Ohio, about the middle of the century. The remnant of the Delawares are now on reservations in Oklahoma, with a few hundred in Canada. =Index=: =Hd= Bring prisoners from Wyoming, 149. =Bib.=: Hodge, _Handbook of American Indians_.
=Delessert, B.= =Sy= Philanthropist and naturalist, 20.
=De Lisle, Elizabeth.= =Bk= Mother of Sir Isaac Brock, 6.
=Demers, Jerome.= =P= Criticizes Papineau for accepting mission to England, 65-66.
=Demers, Joseph.= =P= Urges Papineau to accept mission to England to oppose union of the Canadas, 45.
=Demers, Modeste.= First Roman Catholic bishop of Vancouver Island, 1847-1871. =Index=: =D= Missionary on Vancouver Island prior to 1846, 269; visits upper Fraser, 269; made bishop, 269.