Part 46 (1/2)

”No,” breathed Esther dolefully. ”But I shall take it out myself soon.”

”In this world,” said the rubicund man, shaking his head sceptically, ”there ain't never no knowing. Well, how much d'yer want?”

”I only want a s.h.i.+lling,” said Esther, ”and threepence,” she added as a happy thought.

”All right,” said the rubicund man softened. ”I won't 'aggle this mornen. You look quite knocked up. Here you are!” and Esther darted out of the shop with the money clasped tightly in her palm.

Moses had folded his phylacteries with pious primness and put them away in a little bag, and he was hastily swallowing a cup of coffee.

”Here is the s.h.i.+lling,” she cried. ”And twopence extra for the 'bus to London Bridge. Quick!” She put the ticket away carefully among its companions in a discolored leather purse her father had once picked up in the street, and hurried him off. When his steps ceased on the stairs, she yearned to run after him and go with him, but Ikey was clamoring for breakfast and the children had to run off to school. She remained at home herself, for the grandmother groaned heavily. When the other children had gone off she tidied up the vacant bed and smoothed the old woman's pillows. Suddenly Benjamin's reluctance to have his father exhibited before his new companions recurred to her; she hoped Moses would not be needlessly obtrusive and felt that if she had gone with him she might have supplied tact in this direction. She reproached herself for not having made him a bit more presentable. She should have spared another halfpenny for a new collar, and seen that he was washed; but in the rush and alarm all thoughts of propriety had been submerged. Then her thoughts went off at a tangent and she saw her cla.s.s-room, where new things were being taught, and new marks gained. It galled her to think she was missing both. She felt so lonely in the company of her grandmother, she could have gone downstairs and cried on Dutch Debby's musty lap. Then she strove to picture the room where Benjy was lying, but her imagination lacked the data. She would not let herself think the brilliant Benjamin was dead, that he would be sewn up in a shroud just like his poor mother, who had no literary talent whatever, but she wondered whether he was groaning like the grandmother. And so, half distracted, p.r.i.c.king up her ears at the slightest creak on the stairs, Esther waited for news of her Benjy. The hours dragged on and on, and the children coming home at one found dinner ready but Esther still waiting. A dusty sunbeam streamed in through the garret window as though to give her hope.

Benjamin had been beguiled from his books into an unaccustomed game of ball in the cold March air. He had taken off his jacket and had got very hot with his unwonted exertions. A reactionary chill followed. Benjamin had a slight cold, which being ignored, developed rapidly into a heavy one, still without inducing the energetic lad to ask to be put upon the sick list. Was not the publis.h.i.+ng day of _Our Own_ at hand?

The cold became graver with the same rapidity, and almost as soon as the boy had made complaint he was in a high fever, and the official doctor declared that pneumonia had set in. In the night Benjamin was delirious, and the nurse summoned the doctor, and next morning his condition was so critical that his father was telegraphed for. There was little to be done by science--all depended on the patient's const.i.tution. Alas! the four years of plenty and country breezes had not counteracted the eight and three-quarter years of privation and foul air, especially in a lad more intent on emulating d.i.c.kens and Thackeray than on profiting by the advantages of his situation.

When Moses arrived he found his boy tossing restlessly in a little bed, in a private little room away from the great dormitories. ”The matron”--a sweet-faced young lady--was bending tenderly over him, and a nurse sat at the bedside. The doctor stood--waiting--at the foot of the bed. Moses took his boy's hand. The matron silently stepped aside.

Benjamin stared at him with wide, unrecognizing eyes.

”_Nu_, how goes it, Benjamin?” cried Moses in Yiddish, with mock heartiness.

”Thank you, old Four-Eyes. It's very good of you to come. I always said there mustn't be any hits at you in the paper. I always told the fellows you were a very decent chap.”

”What says he?” asked Moses, turning to the company. ”I cannot understand English.”

They could not understand his own question, but the matron guessed it.

She tapped her forehead and shook her head for reply. Benjamin closed his eyes and there was silence. Presently he opened them and looked straight at his father. A deeper crimson mantled on the flushed cheek as Benjamin beheld the dingy stooping being to whom he owed birth. Moses wore a dirty red scarf below his untrimmed beard, his clothes were greasy, his face had not yet been washed, and--for a climax--he had not removed his hat, which other considerations than those of etiquette should have impelled him to keep out of sight.

”I thought you were old Four-Eyes,” the boy murmured in confusion--”Wasn't he here just now?”

”Go and fetch Mr. Coleman,” said the matron, to the nurse, half-smiling through tears at her own knowledge of the teacher's nickname and wondering what endearing term she was herself known by.

”Cheer up, Benjamin,” said his father, seeing his boy had become sensible of his presence. ”Thou wilt be all right soon. Thou hast been much worse than this.”

”What does he say?” asked Benjamin, turning his eyes towards the matron.

”He says he is sorry to see you so bad,” said the matron, at a venture.

”But I shall be up soon, won't I? I can't have _Our Own_ delayed,”

whispered Benjamin.

”Don't worry about _Our Own_, my poor boy,” murmured the matron, pressing his forehead. Moses respectfully made way for her.

”What says he?” he asked. The matron repeated the words, but Moses could not understand the English.

Old Four-Eyes arrived--a mild spectacled young man. He looked at the doctor, and the doctor's eye told him all.

”Ah, Mr. Coleman,” said Benjamin, with joyous huskiness, ”you'll see that _Our Own_ comes out this week as usual. Tell Jack Simmonds he must not forget to rule black lines around the page containing Bruno's epitaph. Bony-nose--I--I mean Mr. Bernstein, wrote it for us in dog-Latin. Isn't it a lark? Thick, black lines, tell him. He was a good dog and only bit one boy in his life.”

”All right. I'll see to it,” old Four-Eyes a.s.sured him with answering huskiness.

”What says he?” helplessly inquired Moses, addressing himself to the newcomer.