Part 40 (1/2)

The Rabbi was returning from synagogue and Pinchas was giving him his company on the short homeward journey. At their heels trudged Levi and on the other side of Reb Shemuel walked Eliphaz Chowchoski, a miserable-looking Pole whom Reb Shemuel was taking home to supper. In those days Reb Shemuel was not alone in taking to his hearth ”the Sabbath guest”--some forlorn starveling or other--to sit at the table in like honor with the master. It was an object lesson in equality and fraternity for the children of many a well-to-do household, nor did it fail altogether in the homes of the poor. ”All Israel are brothers,” and how better honor the Sabbath than by making the lip-babble a reality?

”You will speak to your daughter?” said Pinchas, changing the subject abruptly. ”You will tell her that what I wrote to her is not a millionth part of what I feel--that she is my sun by day and my moon and stars by night, that I must marry her at once or die, that I think of nothing in the world but her, that I can do, write, plan, nothing without her, that once she smiles on me I will write her great love-poems, greater than Byron's, greater than Heine's--the real Song of Songs, which is Pinchas's--that I will make her immortal as Dante made Beatrice, as Petrarch made Laura, that I walk about wretched, bedewing the pavements with my tears, that I sleep not by night nor eat by day--you will tell her this?” He laid his finger pleadingly on his nose.

”I will tell her,” said Reb Shemuel. ”You are a son-in-law to gladden the heart of any man. But I fear the maiden looks but coldly on wooers.

Besides you are fourteen years older than she.”

”Then I love her twice as much as Jacob loved Rachel--for it is written 'seven years were but as a day in his love for her.' To me fourteen years are but as a day in my love for Hannah.”

The Rabbi laughed at the quibble and said:

”You are like the man who when he was accused of being twenty years older than the maiden he desired, replied 'but when I look at her I shall become ten years younger, and when she looks at me she will become ten years older, and thus we shall be even.'”

Pinchas laughed enthusiastically in his turn, but replied:

”Surely you will plead my cause, you whose motto is the Hebrew saying--'the husband help the housewife, G.o.d help the bachelor.'”

”But have you the wherewithal to support her?”

”Shall my writings not suffice? If there are none to protect literature in England, we will go abroad--to your birthplace, Reb Shemuel, the cradle of great scholars.”

The poet spoke yet more, but in the end his excited stridulous accents fell on Reb Shemuel's ears as a storm without on the ears of the slippered reader by the fireside. He had dropped into a delicious reverie--tasting in advance the Sabbath peace. The work of the week was over. The faithful Jew could enter on his rest--the narrow, miry streets faded before the brighter image of his brain. ”_Come, my beloved, to meet the Bride, the face of the Sabbath let us welcome._”

To-night his sweetheart would wear her Sabbath face, putting off the mask of the shrew, which hid not from him the angel countenance.

To-night he could in very truth call his wife (as the Rabbi in the Talmud did) ”not wife, but home.” To-night she would be in very truth _Simcha_--rejoicing. A cheerful warmth glowed at his heart, love for all the wonderful Creation dissolved him in tenderness. As he approached the door, cheerful lights gleamed on him like a heavenly smile. He invited Pinchas to enter, but the poet in view of his pa.s.sion thought it prudent to let others plead for him and went off with his finger to his nose in final reminder. The Reb kissed the _Mezuzah_ on the outside of the door and his daughter, who met him, on the inside. Everything was as he had pictured it--the two tall wax candles in quaint heavy silver candlesticks, the spotless table-cloth, the dish of fried fish made picturesque with sprigs of parsley, the Sabbath loaves shaped like boys'

tip-cats, with a curious plait of crust from point to point and thickly sprinkled with a drift of poppy-seed, and covered with a velvet cloth embroidered with Hebrew words; the flask of wine and the silver goblet.

The sight was familiar yet it always struck the simple old Reb anew, with a sense of special blessing.

”Good _Shabbos_, Simcha,” said Reb Shemuel.

”Good _Shabbos_, Shemuel.” said Simcha. The light of love was in her eyes, and in her hair her newest comb. Her sharp features shone with peace and good-will and the consciousness of having duly lit the Sabbath candles and thrown the morsel of dough into the fire. Shemuel kissed her, then he laid his hands upon Hannah's head and murmured:

”May G.o.d make thee as Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah,” and upon Levi's, murmuring: ”May G.o.d make thee as Ephraim and Mana.s.seh.”

Even the callous Levi felt the breath of sanct.i.ty in the air and had a vague restful sense of his Sabbath Angel hovering about and causing him to cast two shadows on the wall while his Evil Angel s.h.i.+vered impotent on the door-step.

Then Reb Shemuel repeated three times a series of sentences commencing: ”_Peace be unto you, ye ministering Angels_,” and thereupon the wonderful picture of an ideal woman from Proverbs, looking affectionately at Simcha the while. ”A woman of worth, whoso findeth her, her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband trusteth in her; good and not evil will she do him all the days of her life; she riseth, while it is yet night, giveth food to her household and a task to her maidens. She putteth her own hands to the spindle; she stretcheth out her hand to the poor--strength and honor are her clothing and she looketh forth smilingly to the morrow; she openeth her mouth with wisdom and the law of kindness is on her tongue--she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Deceitful is favor and vain is beauty, but the woman that feareth the Lord, _she_ shall be praised.”

Then, was.h.i.+ng his hands with the due benediction, he filled the goblet with wine, and while every one reverently stood he ”made Kiddish,” in a traditional joyous recitative ”... blessed art thou, O Lord, our G.o.d!

King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine, who doth sanctify us with His commandments and hath delight in us.... Thou hast chosen and sanctified us above all peoples and with love and favor hast made us to inherit Thy holy Sabbath....”

And all the household, and the hungry Pole, answered ”Amen,” each sipping of the cup in due gradation, then eating a special morsel of bread cut by the father and dipped in salt; after which the good wife served the fish, and cups and saucers clattered and knives and forks rattled. And after a few mouthfuls, the Pole knew himself a Prince in Israel and felt he must forthwith make choice of a maiden to grace his royal Sabbath board. Soup followed the fish; it was not served direct from the saucepan but transferred by way of a large tureen; since any creeping thing that might have got into the soup would have rendered the plateful in which it appeared not legally potable, whereas if it were detected in the large tureen, its polluting powers would be dissipated by being diffused over such a large ma.s.s of fluid. For like religious reasons, another feature of the etiquette of the modern fas.h.i.+onable table had been antic.i.p.ated by many centuries--the eaters washed their hands in a little bowl of water after their meal. The Pollack was thus kept by main religious force in touch with a liquid with which he had no external sympathy.

When supper was over, grace was chanted and then the _Zemiroth_ was sung--songs summing up in light and jingling metre the very essence of holy joyousness--neither riotous nor ascetic--the note of spiritualized common sense which has been the key-note of historical Judaism. For to feel ”the delight of Sabbath” is a duty and to take three meals thereon a religions obligation--the sanctification of the sensuous by a creed to which everything is holy. The Sabbath is the hub of the Jew's universe; to protract it is a virtue, to love it a liberal education. It cancels all mourning--even for Jerusalem. The candles may gutter out at their own greasy will--unsnuffed, untended--is not Sabbath its own self-sufficient light?

This is the sanctified rest-day; Happy the man who observes it, Thinks of it over the wine-cup, Feeling no pang at his heart-strings For that his purse-strings are empty, Joyous, and if he must borrow G.o.d will repay the good lender, Meat, wine and fish in profusion-- See no delight is deficient.

Let but the table be spread well, Angels of G.o.d answer ”Amen!”