Part 14 (1/2)

”'Great leader of our Israel's host, I sing thy high heroic deeds, Divinely gifted learned man.'

”I wrote his dedication in English, for he understands neither Hebrew nor German, the miserable, purse-proud, vanity-eaten Man-of-the-Earth.”

”Why, didn't he give you anything at all?” said the Reb.

”Worse! He sent me back the book. But I'll be revenged on him. I'll take the acrostic out of the next edition and let him rot in oblivion. I have been all over the world to every great city where Jews congregate. In Russia, in Turkey, in Germany, in Roumania, in Greece, in Morocco, in Palestine. Everywhere the greatest Rabbis have leaped like harts on the mountains with joy at my coming. They have fed and clothed me like a prince. I have preached at the synagogues, and everywhere people have said it was like the Wilna Gaon come again. From the neighboring villages for miles and miles the pious have come to be blessed by me.

Look at my testimonials from all the greatest saints and savants. But in England--in England alone--what is my welcome? Do they say: 'Welcome, Melchitsedek Pinchas, welcome as the bridegroom to the bride when the long day is done and the feast is o'er; welcome to you, with the torch of your genius, with the burden of your learning that is rich with the whole wealth of Hebrew literature in all ages and countries. Here we have no great and wise men. Our Chief Rabbi is an idiot. Come thou and be our Chief Rabbi?' Do they say this? No! They greet me with scorn, coldness, slander. As for the Rev. Elkan Benjamin, who makes such a fuss of himself because he sends a wealthy congregation to sleep with his sermons, I'll expose him as sure as there's a Guardian of Israel. I'll let the world know about his four mistresses.”

”Nonsense! Guard yourself against the evil tongue,” said the Reb. ”How do you know he has?”

”It's the Law of Moses,” said the little poet. ”True as I stand here.

You ask Jacob Hermann. It was he who told me about it. Jacob Hermann said to me one day: 'That Benjamin has a mistress for every fringe of his four-corners.' And how many is that, eh? I do not know why he should be allowed to slander me and I not be allowed to tell the truth about him. One day I will shoot him. You know he said that when I first came to London I joined the _Meshumadim_ in Palestine Place.”

”Well, he had at least some foundation for that,” said Reb Shemuel.

”Foundation! Do you call that foundation--because I lived there for a week, hunting out their customs and their ways of ensnaring the souls of our brethren, so that I might write about them one day? Have I not already told you not a morsel of their food pa.s.sed my lips and that the money which I had to take so as not to excite suspicion I distributed in charity among the poor Jews? Why not? From pigs we take bristles.”

”Still, you must remember that if you had not been such a saint and such a great poet, I might myself have believed that you sold your soul for money to escape starvation. I know how these devils set their baits for the helpless immigrant, offering bread in return for a lip-conversion.

They are grown so cunning now--they print their h.e.l.lish appeals in Hebrew, knowing we reverence the Holy Tongue.”

”Yes, the ordinary Man-of-the-Earth believes everything that's in Hebrew. That was the mistake of the Apostles--to write in Greek. But then they, too, were such Men-of-the Earth.”

”I wonder who writes such good Hebrew for the missionaries,” said Reb Shemuel.

”I wonder,” gurgled Pinchas, deep in his coffee.

”But, father,” asked Hannah, ”don't you believe any Jew ever really believes in Christianity?”

”How is it possible?” answered Reb Shemuel. ”A Jew who has the Law from Sinai, the Law that will never be changed, to whom G.o.d has given a sensible religion and common-sense, how can such a person believe in the farrago of nonsense that makes up the wors.h.i.+p of the Christians! No Jew has ever apostatized except to fill his purse or his stomach or to avoid persecution. 'Getting grace' they call it in English; but with poor Jews it is always grace after meals. Look at the Crypto-Jews, the Marranos, who for centuries lived a double life, outwardly Christians, but handing down secretly from generation to generation the faith, the traditions, the observances of Judaism.”

”Yes, no Jew was ever fool enough to turn Christian unless he was a clever man,” said the poet paradoxically. ”Have you not, my sweet, innocent young lady, heard the story of the two Jews in Burgos Cathedral?”

”No, what is it?” said Levi, eagerly.

”Well, pa.s.s my cup up to your highly superior mother who is waiting to fill it with coffee. Your eminent father knows the story--I can see by the twinkle in his learned eye.”

”Yes, that story has a beard,” said the Reb.

”Two Spanish Jews,” said the poet, addressing himself deferentially to Levi, ”who had got grace were waiting to be baptized at Burgos Cathedral. There was a great throng of Catholics and a special Cardinal was coming to conduct the ceremony, for their conversion was a great triumph. But the Cardinal was late and the Jews fumed and fretted at the delay. The shadows of evening were falling on vault and transept. At last one turned to the other and said, 'Knowest them what, Moses? If the Holy Father does not arrive soon, we shall be too late to say _mincha_.”

Levi laughed heartily; the reference to the Jewish afternoon prayer went home to him.

”That story sums up in a nutsh.e.l.l the whole history of the great movement for the conversion of the Jews. We dip ourselves in baptismal water and wipe ourselves with a _Talith_. We are not a race to be lured out of the fixed feelings of countless centuries by the empty spirituality of a religion in which, as I soon found out when I lived among the soul-dealers, its very professors no longer believe. We are too fond of solid things,” said the poet, upon whom a good breakfast was beginning to produce a soothing materialistic effect. ”Do you know that anecdote about the two Jews in the Transvaal?” Pinchas went on. ”That's a real _Chine_.”

”I don't think I know that _Maaseh_,” said Reb Shemuel.

”Oh, the two Jews had made a _trek_ and were travelling onwards exploring unknown country. One night they were sitting by their campfire playing cards when suddenly one threw up his cards, tore his hair and beat his breast in terrible agony. 'What's the matter?' cried the other. 'Woe, woe,' said the first. 'To-day was the Day of Atonement!

and we have eaten and gone on as usual.' 'Oh, don't take on so,' said his friend. 'After all, Heaven will take into consideration that we lost count of the Jewish calendar and didn't mean to be so wicked. And we can make up for it by fasting to-morrow.'

”'Oh, no! Not for me,' said the first. 'To-day was the Day of Atonement.'”

All laughed, the Reb appreciating most keenly the sly dig at his race.