Part 45 (1/2)

Brooke lifted himself shakily to his feet, and blinked in a curious, heavy fas.h.i.+on at the man.

”It has, and if you'll bring the boys up we'll make a start,” he said.

”Now I don't know that we could cut that jam, and if we did it would only turn the lake loose on the mine. What I purpose is to break a new cut through the rise where it's thinnest, and run enough water off to ease the pressure. Then we might, if it appeared advisable, get at the jam. In the meanwhile every man I can spare from here will start in cutting out a ten-foot trench at the mine. That would take away a good deal of any water that did come down.”

”I've been at this kind of work 'most all my life, and that's 'bout how I would fix it,” said the other man.

”Well,” said Brooke, ”there's just another point. Once you get started, you'll go right on, and there'll be very little sleep for any one until it's done, but we'll credit you with half extra on every hour's time in the pay-bill.”

The man laughed and waved his hand. ”You needn't worry 'bout that. I guess the boys will see you through,” he said.

He disappeared into the rain, and the struggle commenced when he came back with the men. There were but a handful of them in all, and their task appeared almost beyond accomplishment, even to those born in a country where man and Nature unsubdued come to the closest grapple, and human daring and endurance must make head against the tremendous forces that unloose the rivers and slowly grind the ranges down. It is a continuous struggle, primitive and elemental, in which brute strength and the animal courage that plies axe and drill with worn-out muscle and bleeding hands plays at least an equal part with ingenuity, for man has arrayed against him sun and frost, roaring water, crus.h.i.+ng ice, and sliding snow; and those who fall in it lie thick by towering trestle bridge and along each railroad track. Worn out, aching in every limb, and with heavy eyes, Brooke braced himself to bear his part in it.

For three days they toiled with pick and shovel and clinking drill, and the roar of the blasting charges shook the wet hillside, but while the trenches deepened slowly the water rose. By night the big fires snapped and sputtered, and the feeble lanterns blinked through the rain, while wild figures, stained with mire and dripping water, moved amidst the smoke, and those who dragged themselves out of the workings lay down on the wet ground for a brief hour's sleep. Brooke, however, so far as he could afterwards remember, did not close his eyes at all, and where his dripping figure appeared the shovels swung more rapidly, and the ringing of the drills grew a trifle louder. The pace was, however, too fierce to last, and, though even the men who work for another toil strenuously in that land, it was evident to him that while their task was less than half-done, they could not sustain it long.

Baffled in one direction, he had also changed his plans, for the ridge was singularly hard to cut through, even with giant powder, and he had withdrawn most of the men from it and sent them to the trench, which would, he hoped, afford a pa.s.sage to, at least, part of the water that must eventually come down upon the mine. It was late on the third night when it became evident that this would very shortly happen, and he sat, wet through and very weary, in his tent on the hillside, when Jimmy and another man came in.

”Water's riz another foot since sundown, and I guess there's lakes of it ready to come down yonder,” said the miner, who stretched out a wet hand, and pointed towards the dripping canvas above him, though Brooke surmised that he intended to indicate the range. ”So far as I could make out, there's quite a forest of smashed-up logs sailing along to pile up in the jam.”

Brooke lifted a wet, grey face, and blinked at him with half-closed eyes.

”Then I'm afraid there are only two courses open to us,” he said. ”We can wait until the jam breaks up, when there'll be water enough to fill the Dayspring up and wash the plant above ground right down into the canon, or we must try to cut it now.”

”And turn the lake loose on us with the trench 'bout half big enough to take it away?” said Jimmy.

”Yes,” said Brooke, grimly. ”You have a six-foot dam thrown up. I'm not sure it will stand, but it's a good deal less likely to do it when the lake is twice as big.”

Jimmy looked at the other man, who nodded. ”The boss is right,” he said.

”You can't stop to look for the nicest way out when you're in a blame tight place. No, sir, you've got to take the quickest one. When do you figure on starting on the jam, Mr. Brooke?”


The man appeared astonished, and shook his head. ”It can't be done in the dark,” he said. ”I guess n.o.body could find the king log that's keying up the jam, and though the boys aren't nervous, I'm not sure you'd get one of them to crawl down that gulley and over the live logs until it's light. They couldn't see to do anything with the axe anyway.”

Brooke smiled drily. ”Since they will not be asked to do it, that does not count. I purposed trying giant-powder, and going myself; that is, unless Jimmy feels anxious to come along with me.”

”I don't,” said Jimmy, with decision in his tone. ”If it was anybody else, watching him would be quite good enough for me. Still, as it isn't, I guess I'll have to see you through.”

”Thanks!” said Brooke. ”You can let them know what to expect at the mine, Cropper. I'll want you to put the detonators on the fuses with me, Jimmy.”

The other man went out, and the two who were left proceeded to nip down the fulminating caps on the strips of snaky fuse, after which they carefully embedded them in sundry plastic rolls, which looked very like big candles made of yellow wax. These they packed in an iron case, and then, carrying an axe and a big auger, went out of the tent. The rest of the men left at the ridge were waiting them, for every one understood the perilous nature of the attempt, though, as two men were sufficient for the work, there was nothing that they could do, and they proceeded in a body through the dripping undergrowth towards the gully. Here a big fire of resinous wood was lighted, and when at last the smoky glare flickered upon the wet rocks in the hollow, Brooke, who stripped to s.h.i.+rt and trousers, flung himself over the edge.

He dropped upon a little ledge, and made another yard or two down a cranny, then a bold leap landed him on a second ledge, and the groaning trunks were close beneath him when he dropped again. The glare of the fire scarcely reached him now, and Jimmy, who alighted close by him, looked up longingly at the flickering light above.

”It wasn't easy getting down, and I'd feel better if I knew just how we were going back,” he said. ”I guess it's not quite wise either to bang that can about on the rocks.”

This was incontrovertible, for while giant powder, which is dynamite, is, with due precaution, comparatively safe to handle, and cannot be exploded without a detonator, so those who make it claim, it is still addicted to going off with disastrous results on very small provocation.

Brooke, who had the case containing it slung round his back, was, however, looking down on the logs that stirred and heaved beneath him with the water spouting up through the interstices between. He could see them when the fire grew brighter.

”The king should not be far away, from the look of the jam,” he said.

”If we can't cut it, we may jar it loose. Giant powder strikes down. Let me have the axe.”