Part 21 (1/2)
”Don't believe they'd appreciate the compliment,” I laughed. ”Better let them make first call: they're the longer established.” This was lost on them, of course. But we all felt kindly to one another that evening.
I carried the glow of it with me over until next morning, and was therefore somewhat dashed to meet Captain Selover, with clouded brows and an uncertain manner. He quite ignored my greeting.
”By G.o.d, Eagen,” he squeaked, ”can you think of anything more to be done?”
I straightened my back and laughed.
”Haven't you worked us hard enough?” I inquired. ”Unless you gild the cabins, I don't see what else there can be to do.”
Captain Selover stared me over.
”And you a naval man!” he marvelled. ”Don't you see that the only thing that keeps this crew from gettin' restless is keeping them busy?
I've sweat a d.a.m.n sight more with my brain than you have with your back thinking up things to do. I can't see anything ahead, and then we'll have h.e.l.l to pay. Oh, they're a sweet lot!”
I whistled and my crest fell. Here was a new point of view; and also a new Captain Ezra. Where was the confidence in the might of his two hands?
He seemed to read my thoughts, and went on.
”I don't feel _sure_ here on this cussed land. It ain't like a deck where a man has some show. They can scatter. They can hide. It ain't right to put a man ash.o.r.e alone with such a crew. I'm doing my best, but it ain't goin' to be good enough. I wisht we were safe in 'Frisco harbour----”
He would have maundered on, but I seized his arm and led him out of possible hearing of the men.
”Here, buck up!” I said to him sternly. ”There's nothing to be scared of. If it comes to a row, there's three of us and we've got guns. We could even sail the schooner at a pinch, and leave them here. You've stood them off before.”
”Not ash.o.r.e,” protested Captain Selover weakly.
”Well, they don't know that. For G.o.d's sake don't let them see you've lost your nerve this way.” He did not even wince at the accusation.
”Put up a front.”
He shook his head. The sand had completely run out of him. Yet I am convinced that if he could have felt the heave and roll of the deck beneath him, he would have faced three times the difficulties he now feared. However, I could see readily enough the wisdom of keeping the men at work.
”You can wreck the _Golden Horn_,” I suggested. ”I don't know whether there's anything left worth salvage; but it'll be something to do.”
He clapped me on the shoulder.
”Good!” he cried, ”I never thought of it.”
”Another thing,” said I, ”you better give them a day off a week. That can't hurt them and it'll waste just that much more time.”
”All right,” agreed Captain Selover.
”Another thing yet. You know I'm not lazy, so it ain't that I'm trying to dodge work. But you'd better lay me off. It'll be so much more for the others.”
”That's true,” said he.