Part 1 (1/2)
The Mystery.
by Stewart Edward White and Samuel Hopkins Adams.
The late afternoon sky flaunted its splendour of blue and gold like a banner over the Pacific, across whose depths the trade wind droned in measured cadence. On the ocean's wide expanse a hulk wallowed sluggishly, the forgotten relict of a once brave and sightly s.h.i.+p, possibly the Sphinx of some untold ocean tragedy, she lay black and forbidding in the ordered procession of waves. Half a mile to the east of the derelict hovered a s.h.i.+p's cutter, the turn of her crew's heads speaking expectancy. As far again beyond, the United States cruiser _Wolverine_ outlined her severe and trim silhouette against the horizon. In all the spread of wave and sky no other thing was visible.
For this was one of the desert parts of the Pacific, three hundred miles north of the steams.h.i.+p route from Yokohama to Honolulu, five hundred miles from the nearest land, Gardner Island, and more than seven hundred northwest of the Hawaiian group.
On the cruiser's quarter-deck the officers lined the starboard rail.
Their interest was focussed on the derelict.
”Looks like a heavy job,” said Ives, one of the junior lieutenants.
”These floaters that lie with deck almost awash will stand more hammering than a mud fort.”
”Wish they'd let us put some six-inch into her,” said Billy Edwards, the ensign, a wistful expression on his big round cheerful face.
”I'd like to see what they would do.”
”Nothing but waste a few hundred dollars of your Uncle Sam's money,”
observed Carter, the officer of the deck. ”It takes placed charges inside and out for that kind of work.”
”Barnett's the man for her then,” said Ives. ”He's no economist when it comes to getting results. There she goes!”
Without any particular haste, as it seemed to the watchers, the hulk was shouldered out of the water, as by some hidden leviathan. Its outlines melted into a black, outshowering mist, and from that mist leaped a giant. Up, up, he towered, tossed whirling arms a hundred feet abranch, s.h.i.+vered, and dissolved into a widespread cataract. The water below was lashed into fury, in the midst of which a mighty death agony beat back the troubled waves of the trade wind. Only then did the m.u.f.fled double boom of the explosion reach the ears of the spectators, presently to be followed by a whispering, swift-skimming wavelet that swept irresistibly across the bigger surges and lapped the s.h.i.+p's side, as for a message that the work was done.
Here and there in the sea a glint of silver, a patch of purple, or dull red, or a glistening apparition of black showed where the unintended victims of the explosion, the gay-hued open-sea fish of the warm waters, had succ.u.mbed to the force of the shock. Of the intended victim there was no sign save a few fragments of wood bobbing in a swirl of water.
When Barnett, the ordnance officer in charge of the destruction, returned to the s.h.i.+p, Carter complimented him.
”Good clean job, Barnett. She was a tough customer, too.”
”What was she?” asked Ives.
”The _Caroline Lemp_, three-masted schooner. Anyone know about her?”
Ives turned to the s.h.i.+p's surgeon, Trendon, a grizzled and brief-spoken veteran, who had at his finger's tips all the lore of all the waters under the reign of the moon.
”What does the information bureau of the Seven Seas know about it?”
”Lost three years ago--spring of 1901--got into ice field off the tip of the Aleutians. Some of the crew froze. Others got ash.o.r.e. Part of survivors accounted for. Others not. Say they've turned native. Don't know myself.”
”The Aleutians!” exclaimed Billy Edwards. ”Great Cats! What a drift! How many thousand miles would that be?”