Part 48 (1/2)

John Dewey (1859-1952) Dewey bases his pragmatic conception on the proven useful This explains why this conception was labeled instru the works where this is expressed are How We Think (1910), Logic, the Theory of Inquiry (1938), Knowing and Known (1940)

Williaical perspective His y (1890), Prag of Truth (1909)

Josiah Royce (1855-1916) He is the originator of a conception he called absolute pragmatics

John Sculley, ex-CEO of Apple Computer, Inc took the bully pulpit for literacy (at President-elect Clinton's econo that the American economy is built on ideas He and other business leaders confuse ideas with invention, which is their main interest, and for which literacy is not really necessary

Sidney Lanier The Symphony, 1875, in The Poems of Sidney Lanier

(Mary Day Lanier, editor) Athens: University of Georgia Press, 198

Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929) Aht to apply evolutionary dynamic approach to the study of economic constructions Best known for his work The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899), in which he coined the term conspicuous consumption

Theodore Dreiser Aio, editor) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982

- Sister Carrie (the Pennsylvania Edition) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981

- Essays Selected azine articles of Theodore Dreiser: Life and art in the American 1890's (Yoshi+nobu Hakutani, editor) 2 voluh dickinson University Press, 1985-1987

Henry James The American Scene London: Chapman and Hall, 1907

- The Bostonians London: John Lehmann Ltd 1952

”I wished to write a very American tale,” James wrote in his Notebook (two years prior to the publication of the novel in 1886) He also stated, ”I asked myself as the most salient and peculiar point of our social life The ansas: the situation of women, the decline of the sentier The American Mind New Haven: Yale University Press, 1950

In the section aptly entitled ”The Literature of Revolt,”

Coer noticed that the tradition of protest and revolt (dominant in American literature since E of the 20th century (that is, with the New Economics), into an almost unanimous repudiation of the economic order ”most authors portrayed an economic system disorderly and ruthless, wasteful and inhu men, investors, and consu,” (p 247) He goes on to name William Dean Howell (with his novels), Sinclair Lewis, Theodore Dreiser, F

Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos, and others In the saan (The American Character), JT Adams (Our Business Civilization), Harold Stearns (America: A Reappraisal), Mary A

Hae) are also mentioned

Howard Gardner Fraences New York: Basic Books, 1983

Diane Ravitch The Schools We Deserve New York: Doubleday,1985

Peter Cooper (1791-1883) Self-taught entrepreneur and inventor

As head of North Alue and establishi+ng iron works In 1830, his experimental locomotive made its first 13-mile run

The Corcoran case The incredible secret of John Corcoran, 20/20, ABC News, April 1, 1988 (Text by byTranscripts: Journal Graphics, Inc pp 11-14)

Noah Webster The A an easy standard of pronunciation Being the first part of a Grae Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T Andrews, 1793

William Holmes McGuffey McGuffey's Newly Revised Eclectic First Reader: containing progressive lessons in reading and spelling (revised and improved by Wm H McGuffey) Cincinnati: Winthrop B Smith, 1853 It is doubtful that all the clever rei Berra caical irreverence that make these remarks another form of Americana