Part 46 (1/2)
- Real Presence: Is There Anything in What We Say?
London/Boston: Faber & Faber, 1989
- The End of Bookishness? in The Times Literary Supplement, July 8-14, 1988, p 754
Marshall McLuhan The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1962
Ivan Illich Deschooling Society New York: Harper & Row, 1971
Illich states bluntly: ”Universal education through schooling is not feasible” (Introduction, p ix)
Ivan Illich and Barry Sanders The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind San Francisco: North Point Press, 1988
Y M Lotman Kul'tura kak Kollektvinji Intellekt i Problemy Iskusstuennovo Razuma (Culture as collective intellect and probleence) Predvaritel'naya Publicacija, Moskva: Akademija Nauk SSSR (Nauchinyi Soviet po Kompleksnoi Problemi Kibernetika), 1977
Jean Baudrillard Simulations Trans Paul Foss, Paul Patton, Philip Beitchman New York: Semiotext(e), 1983
The Chaser Mittelen Frankfurt am Main: 1988
Norbert Wiener The Hus Cybernetics and Society 1st ed New York: Avon Books, 1967
Wiener was very concerned with the consequences of human involve use of technology ”Once before in history the ed upon hureatest moment This previous impact is known as the Industrial Revolution, and it concerned the machine purely as an alternative to human muscle” (p185)
”It is fair to say, however, that except for a considerable number of isolated examples, this industrial revolution up to present [ca 1950] has displaced reat ioes on to describe a new stage, what he calls the Second Industrial Revolution, do all kinds of industrial processes He notes: ”Let us remember that the autos it may have or may not have, is the precise economic equivalent of slave labor Any labor which competes with slave labor must accept the economic conditions of slave labor” (p 220)
”What can we expect of its economic and social consequences? In the first place, we can expect an abrupt and final cessation of the de purely repetitive tasks In the long run, the deadly uninteresting nature of the repetitive taskand the source of leisure necessary for a man's full cultural development It may also produce cultural results as trivial and wasteful as the greater part of those so far obtained from the radio and the movies” (p 219)
Nick Thimmesch, editor Aliteracy People Who Can Read but Won't
Washi+ngton, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, 1983 Proceedings of a conference held on Septe to William A Baroody, Jr, President of the Aazines, reads headlines, ”never reads novels or poetry for the pleasures they offer” He goes on to state that aliteracy is e in cultural values and a loss of skills” and ”leads to knoithout understanding”
Marsha Levine, a participant in the conference noted that although educators are concerned with universal literacy, many people read less or not at all: ”A revolution in technology is having an iical ht undermine the practice of what they teach”
At the same conference, an anonymous participant posed a sequence of questions: ”Exactly what advantage do reading and literacy hold in terive us that is of soh other media? Is it entirely certain that we cannot have a functioning society with an oral-aural method of communication, where we use television and its still unexploited resources of coeneration that has received its knowledge of the world and itself through television?” (p 22)
John Searle The storm over the university, in The New York Review of Books, 37:19, December 6, 1990, pp 34-42
Plato Phaedrus, and The Seventh and Eighth Letters Trans
Walter Hauin Press, 1973
In Phaedrus, Socrates, portrayed by Plato, articulates arguetfulness in their souls [of people, MN]: they will cease to exercisethese things to reer from within themselves, but by means of external marks; what you have discovered is a recipe [pharmakon, a potion; some translate it as recipe, MN] not for memory, but for reminder” (274-278e p 96) (References to Plato include the Stephanus numbers This makes them independent of the particular edition used by the reader)
Claude Lvi-Strauss Tristes Tropiques Paris: Plon, 1967
The author continues Socrates' thought: ”It [writing] sees rather than their enlightenment” (p 298)