Part 27 (1/2)
”No,” I replied, wondering what she meant.
”Well, young man, I am going to make a suggestion to you that may cost you a few dollars. Our fair for Foreign Missions takes place, as you know, next month, and you are going to help us out.”
”In what way?”
”Bless the boy, I don't know! Look around your store and see if there isn't something you don't want; or else send some things up and give us a commission for selling them. See what you can do about it.” And she bustled off without waiting for an answer.
And now for the coincidence. When I got back to the store there was an unusually smart-looking chap waiting to see me. It seemed he represented the Atlantic Electric Appliance Corporation, and they wanted me to take the agency for their full line of electric appliances.
”Your line is a good thing, I'm sure,” I said to him--Wilks.h.i.+re was his name--”but, candidly, I couldn't afford to put in a full supply of those things, although I was thinking of starting with a few toasters and one or two things of that kind.”
”I can understand, Mr. Black,” was his response, ”that you couldn't very well carry the whole line that we have, unless we worked with you on it.
We believe there's a big field in Farmdale for electric appliances--better than usual on account of what the electric light company's doing to boost things.
”Our proposition is this: If you will make a special display of electrical appliances for a week we'll supply you with a full line of our goods, we'll send a demonstrator to show how they are worked, and we will go fifty-fifty on any advertising you care to do during that time.
”When the demonstration is over, go ahead and stock up what you think is necessary, and we'll undertake to supply you with additional stock on twenty-four hours' time. You are not such a great way from Hartford”--that was their headquarters--”and, if you order one day, you can have the goods right here within forty-eight hours at the latest.”
Just then the telephone bell rang. La.r.s.en answered it, and I heard him say:
”Yes, Mrs. Twombley, he's back. I'll tell him.”
I went to the 'phone, and she wanted me to be sure not to forget about helping them out at the fair. ”Remember,” she reminded me, ”it starts Tuesday, the twelfth of October, and ends the following.”
”Mrs. Twombley,” I replied, ”an idea has come to me. How would you like me to supply you with an electrical exhibition?”
”Bless the boy! What do you mean?”
”How would you like me to make a display up there of all kinds of electrical appliances, with some pretty girls to show everybody how they work and what they will do?”
”That would be splendid! But there's no electricity in the town hall.”
”But suppose I can get electric current run in there specially, what then?”
”My! don't disrupt the town management on my account--but do it if you can.”
”All right. I think I can do it for you.”
Well, I talked to Mr. Wilks.h.i.+re, and told him my idea, and he thought it was a good one, and said he would personally go and see the electric light company, because he was accustomed to dealing with that kind of people, and make arrangements to have wires carried into the town hall for the exhibition.
He agreed to supply all the equipment needed and to send two demonstrators from Hartford during the five days of the fair, and that was to be my contribution to Mrs. Twombley's ”pet,” as she called foreign missions; and, at the same time, I would be introducing a new line of merchandise, under the very best of auspices, to the people of Farmdale.
When I talked to Betty about the electrical exhibition she suggested:
”Why not carry it through a little farther. I read a lot in _Hardware Times_ about business efficiency. Why don't you try to get efficiency in the home--give an exhibition of home efficiency?”
I guess the blank expression on my face told her that I didn't follow her meaning.