Part 11 (1/2)

”Yes, I will,” I replied, getting hot, ”because you are getting the bulk of my business, and, as I am doing as much as I can for you, you have got to do as much as you can for me!”

”Suppose I should tell you, Mr. Black,” he said, ”that we gave you credit, in the first place, merely because Mr. Barlow spoke so well of you. We certainly didn't give it to you on the reputation of the store you bought.”

I winced at this.

”Remember,” he continued, ”that Simpson deceived us the same as he did everybody else, so that the business, as such, doesn't justify any credit, does it?”

I turned around sharply, and said:

”I am not asking you to give credit to the business. I am asking you to give credit to me, and--”

”And all you can show us, by way of credit rating, is the fact that your old employer speaks well of you!”

”Well,” I returned, thoroughly vexed, ”the long and short of it is that I can't pay you just now, and you have just got to wait for your money!

But let me tell you this--it's the last red penny of my money you'll ever get!”

Still Mr. Peck replied with his calm demeanor:

”Under those circ.u.mstances, Mr. Black, can you give me any reason why we should wait for our money? If you were in my place, wouldn't you be inclined to force collection?”

Before I could reply, he continued:

”I have come down here, Mr. Black, to try to help you, and perhaps I can, but you have got to realize first of all that you haven't treated us fairly.”

I was about to protest against this, when he put up his hand and said:

”Wait a minute, Mr. Black. You can't see it in your present frame of mind, and you probably think we are very hard to come down on you like this, when you have been in business only such a short time. That is the reason we take this stand. Had you been in business for some years we should have known you inside and out, and would have known just what to do. Now, if your credit is really good in the town, and you have anything back of you, you can borrow the money and give me my check before I leave town.”

”Great guns, man,” I cried, ”to whom do you think I can go to borrow that amount!”

”Why,” said he, ”haven't you got a bank account here?”

”Yes,” said I, ”but they won't lend me any money!”

Mr. Peck's face seemed suddenly to harden, and, putting his fingers on the desk, he said:

”Mr. Black, we are simply wasting time. What do you think a bank's for?

A bank isn't a mere safe deposit for money! It's a bank's business to lend money! Better go and see your bank now. I'll be back in two hours!”

Without another word he turned and left the store.

At that I completely lost my temper.

”I'll be d.a.m.ned if I will!” I cried to La.r.s.en, who was standing by.

”Those people can wait for their money, and you can just bet that I'm through doing business with them! They're not the only jobbers in the world. Dirty, low-down trick, I call it!”

I was much surprised when La.r.s.en replied:

”You paid all other fellers, yes? You not pay him. You get mad with your debtors when they don't pay you? Doesn't the same sauce suit all birds?”