Part 27 (1/2)

Once more the vessels were in the open sea clear of San Juan de Porto Rico. The Brooklyn lay to, and a boat put off. In obedience to a signal from the cruiser, the gun-boat and her prize waited till the boat came up. In the cutter was Captain Miles, the commander of the Brooklyn.

”A great and glorious victory, Captain Long,” said he, stepping aboard the Nashville.

”Yes, sir, thanks to the men you lent me, and especially Young Glory.

Through his advice, as I don't mind admitting, the Spaniard was taken.”

”Well, I congratulate you. The country will be crazy when they hear what you've done. You will, of course, return home.”

”I want you to lend me some men, Captain Miles, to work the two s.h.i.+ps.”

”I must do so. Such a valuable prize as the Spanish cruiser must be taken care of.”

And Captain Miles went back to his s.h.i.+p, sending shortly after for the necessary help.

Then the s.h.i.+ps parted company. The Brooklyn remained in the neighborhood of San Juan, looking for Spanish s.h.i.+ps, and the gun-boat and its prize steamed away through the Caribbean Sea.



During the night the two s.h.i.+ps parted company.

The wind blew fiercely, and the gun-boat being of light draft went in towards the land, the cruiser with its deeper draft preferring to weather the storm in the open sea.

In the morning nothing could be seen of the gun-boat, but this was no reason for delay. Apparently the Spanish cruiser was well able to take care of itself, and as the destination of the s.h.i.+ps had been determined upon, they might go there, either in company or separately, it mattered not which.

They were bound for Key West.

The prisoners for the most part were kept below. They numbered over four hundred, and it was not safe to allow such a number of men, even though unarmed, to wander at large through the s.h.i.+p.

The officers were free to do what they pleased.

They pa.s.sed the time on deck mostly, keeping strictly to themselves, and wearing savage and sullen faces as they paced to and fro.

”Faith, it's a handsome lot they are,” muttered Dan. ”It's myself'll be glad when we've landed you. I'd rather sail in a cattle s.h.i.+p.”

”No accounting for tastes, Dan,” laughed Young Glory.

”It's an eye we must kape on the dons,” said Dan.

”An eye?”

”Faith, two. It's the slippery spalpeens they are.”

”But they won't try to slip away.”

”Arrah, it's worse they'll do!”
