Part 18 (1/2)
Captain Miles thought the same as Dan, but he determined to remain, because even if he could not get near enough to the Cristobal Colon to attack her, yet he was able by remaining, to prevent the Spanish cruiser from leaving the port in order to prey on American commerce.
The next day a s.h.i.+p was sighted.
She evidently recognized the Brooklyn, for she flew the Stars and Stripes in a very short time.
”One of ours, boys!” cried a sailor, ”and I know her, too.”
”You do?”
”Yes. She's a gun-boat. She's the Nashville, and I was aboard her for two years.”
”A good boat, Bill?”
”A very smart craft.”
It was not long before the captains of the Nashville and the Brooklyn were exchanging compliments. The skipper of the gun-boat came aboard the cruiser, and a long conference took place.
”So you'd heard of the Cristobal Colon, then?” said Captain Miles.
”Yes,” answered Captain Long, of the gun-boat. ”It was on her account I was ordered here. Admiral Jackson thought I might be able to help you.
More than one s.h.i.+p has arrived in the gulf reporting a severe chase.
She's doing great damage as a commerce destroyer, and the admiral says she must be checked.”
”It's all very well for Admiral Jackson to talk that way,” said Captain Miles, impatiently; ”but just let him come here. He wouldn't be able to do any more than I'm doing.”
”Of course, if she won't stir outside of San Juan it's difficult for us to act.”
”What's to be done? A s.h.i.+p-load of wretches like that should not be at large. They're no better than wild beasts.”
”I can't venture in sh.o.r.e.”
”But I can, Captain Miles. My boat's very light draft. Supposing I have a look in at San Juan? I may find out something.”
”A good idea, but be careful. The Cristobal Colon's a fast boat, and if she caught you, well, you know where you'd be, at the bottom of the sea in a very few minutes.”
”I shall be cautious. My scheme will be to try and lure the Spaniards out of port.”
”Ha! Ha! Try, by all means, but the fish won't always bite.”
”You can do something for me.”
”Spare me twenty men. That is, if you're not short-handed. I am.”
”I can lend you twenty, but they won't like it at all, for they're all spoiling for a fight with this Spaniard, and they want to be here when the fun begins.”
”But I must have them.”