Chapter 730: Bad Choice (1/2)

”Yep...” Raven muttered to himself as he frowned towards a certain direction. ”I fucking knew it.”

He didn't just see one group, oh no! There's a whole platoon of them.

From a single glance, these people didn't look friendly or civilized. There's a blood thirsty aura surrounding them and their weapons are already out.

Raven can feel the fluctuations of the star cores they harvested along the way. When he saw the look in their eyes, he instantly realized that reasoning with these people is not an option.

”Thankfully, I was prepared.” Raven muttered under his breath. ”If you think that you all can just bully me through sheer numbers, think again motherfuckers. You don't who you're dealing with.”


It took them sometime before they arrived. Raven isn't aware of how long, just that it's plenty to create all the preparations he needed.

The young star is armed. These people are up to a nasty surprise if they decide to come close. Raven didn't move away from the star. He just looked at the approaching platoon of Outsiders and this time, he didn't hesitate to bypass their security and listen to their discussion bet it vocally or mentally.

”Oy, Punk! You told us that it was here but I don't see it. Were you lying to us?” One very aggressive Outsider stepped forward and asked a man that's bound in a rope.

”N-no, I wouldn't dare Sir!” The captive said while trembling and stuttering, ”T-trust me! I heard it from them. They said this was where they found that young and lively star! I'm telling the truth Sir! They said that there should be an Insider here somewhere who's in-charge of the star. He's weak but had proof so they left him alone since they don't want the Insiders to hunt them down!”

”Yeah, you've told that to us before. But see, I don't fucking see neither the star nor the Insider here! Are you telling me that I'm blind huh?”

”N-no Sir!! Of course not! I wouldn't dare!!”

”Oy, Gil. That's enough.” One of the Outsiders stepped forward reeled in his comrade. ”Even if you beat up this punk, you won't get anything in return so it's just a waste of time and effort.”

”Tch.” The man named Gil said as he let go of the captive. He then took a look around and wondered, ”Are we too late?”

”I don't think so.” One man answered. ”We were the closest team towards this direction and we immediately took a detour the moment we caught wind of this news. This fella right here immediately told us the news the moment they announced it so I don't think someone came before us. If they did, then we'd discover traces of their battle.”

”But the star and that Insider is nowhere to be seen, Rocky.” Gil groaned in frustration. ”Are telling me we came all the way here for nothing!?”

”That might not necessarily be the case.” Rocky replied as he frowned while expecting the area around them. He looked back to their men and yelled: ”You guys! Scatter and sweep this area! Use the tools we've got!”

”Aye, Sir!!”

”Something smells fishy here.” Rocky's frown deepened as he scanned the area before them. ”Gil, Adie, Hank! Stay on guard! The moment you feel something wrong, don't think, act! Am I clear?”

”Aye, Sir!”

As soon as their leader handed out the order, the platoon dispersed and began scrying the area. They had tools that helped them with their tasks while Rocky along with his own unit stayed at the back and waited for results.

Rocky's frown never went away. If anything he just got more suspicious about this place since it's too clean and quiet. He didn't trust it one bit.

”Sir! I got a hit!” One of his men suddenly reported.

Rocky and his unit approached the guy.

”I found a trace Spatial Tampering here. It's very faint but I can't be mistaken. I believe this is a forged space. Must be the work of that Insider. It's sturdy but I believe we can pry it open and see what's on the other side.”

”Good work, you extra!” Gil said while laughing, ”You've done a great service, expect some rewards when we get back.”

”T-thank you Sir.”

Gil then turned to the unit and asked: ”What are we waiting for? Come on, we're close to the treasure!!”

”Relax, Gil.” The man named Hank frowned upon Gil's over-zealousness. ”Leader is still thinking.”

”You guys are boring!” Gil snorted. ”What, you guys scared of that Insider? If you are then I can go alone but don't expect me to share profits with you.”

”Just shut-up, Gil.” The girl named Adie glared at Gil. ”If you won't, then I'll shove my fist down your throat.”

”...” Gil didn't say anything. He can hear the others snickering at him but he didn't care. This madwoman will actually do what she said if he dared to utter another word. Better safe than sorry.