Chapter 670: Elder Flame (1/2)
The Flames of Olympus…
Records about this flame are incomplete. It was unknown whether it appeared during the era of the Founders or after that. What most people knew is that the Flames of Olympus is important to the sect and that it had been with it for a long time.
It might be because of the peculiarity of the flames or it's quality; that it managed to form a collective consciousness. This consciousness is named Elder Flame, as to whether he got this name from someone of it's something that the consciousness of the flames named itself - that too is unknown…
According to the Records of 'Athena the 5th' - which is also the oldest text that has information about the Flames of Olympus, Elder Flame made his existence known to them. He said that he was the last and strongest wall that the Devil Emperor has to pass through if it wanted to be freed.
Athena the 5th said that Elder Flame's personality is a little eccentric. Not just anyone was allowed to him, he decided whether someone has the right to meet him or not. He has no interest about the matters of the sect nor he cared about the disciples, it was as if he exists for the sole purpose of imprisoning the Devil Emperor and whipping it hard enough every time it throws a tantrum.
The subsequent records about Elder Flames also supported this claim. Elder Flame remained a vital existence to sect and famous for his fickle mood swings. As for how vital he truly was for the sect, well…he is important, after all he's preventing the Devil Emperor from escaping but, how difficult is it truly? How long can he keep this up? Does he had a pre-destined lifespan? Does he get weaker? Stronger? These details remain unclear since Elder Flame never said anything.
If there's people who know more about Elder Flame, it should've been the 'Fire Keepers', but according to records left by the old Fire Keepers, Elder Flame doesn't share a lot with them.
Speaking of Fire Keepers, these people are the ones responsible for monitoring the Flames of Olympus but that's the fancy way of describing them. Old records said that the first demand that Elder Flame asked ever since making his presence known is to have some people near him since he was lonely.
'It feels boring without young'uns around. Give me four and call uh…Fire Keepers or whatever. Who knows, maybe a day will come when my mood is good and I'll give them some pointers.' - Elder Flame on 7th Elysium Era.
Isn't he weird? He is right? Yeah, everyone who were in contact with him will definitely say so too. Sufficed to say, from the earlier eras up until now, nobody really understands Elder Flame's 'profundity'. Even Theo who had been a Fire Keeper for a long time, can't say that he totally understood Elder Flame at all.
Well? How about Raven then? Will he be able to understand Elder Flame? Let's find out…
”Why are you here?” A disembodied voice suddenly sounded right next to Raven's ears.
Raven clasped his fist and bowed, he then responded to the familiar voice and said: ”Greetings Elder Flame, it's me Raven.”
”I didn't ask who you are, I know you already. You didn't answer my question.”
Raven titled his head in confusion and asked: ”Theo said you wanted to meet me.”
”That's right, but that was a week ago. I changed my mind.” Elder Flame stated.
”Oh, is that so?” Raven shrugged, ”A pity then. I shall excuse myself, Elder. Sorry for disturbing you.”
Raven stopped on his tracks and asked: ”What is it?”
”I didn't tell you to leave.”
'Wow.' The corners of Raven's lips were twitching in annoyance.
He then felt a gaze landing on him and saw that Theo was nearby, sitting in a lotus position in front of large bonfire which contained different shades of fire. He could feel Theo's apology in his gaze and a slight encouragement, telling him to endure it.
Raven took a quick glance around and saw three more people who were giving him similar gazes. He sighed and said…
”It was my mistake, Elder Flame.” Raven smiled and showed a polite expression. ”If Elder doesn't want me to leave, then what shall I do?”
”I don't know.” Elder Flame's voice echoed once more.
Raven fought the urge to not explode in curses. He took a deep breath and said: ”Shall I sit and wait for you to think then?”