Chapter 603: Opportunity (1/2)
The team collectively released a long sigh of relief as soon as they entered the formation. Feeling the heavy suppression disappearing from their bodies gives them an extremely relaxing feeling followed by a wave of exhaustion.
”Damn! We could finally rest.” Theo said as he sat on the table, he stretch his neck and rolled his shoulders while his face showed a slight grimace.
It was pretty much the same for the rest. Although they were only out there for at most, a whole day, the heavy suppression was a great burden not only on their bodies but also their minds. Regaining their mobility under that extreme pressure was more difficult than it looks like.
”I've said this before but I'll say it again.” Henry spoke, catching the attention of the team. He looked at Raven and said: ”Thank god your with us. If it weren't for you, this would've been impossible.”
Although the rest didn't say anything, they too share the same sentiments as they looked at Raven.
Meanwhile, Raven just casually smiled and waved his hand. ”I'm just doing what I can. For now, why don't we all rest first? It's about nighttime already and were not in a hurry anyway.”
”Good idea.” Logan nodded as he stood up from his seat. ”Well, then. I'll sleep for now.”
”Do remember to clear the dishes tomorrow Logan, alright?” Charles reminded, causing the sixed-armed guy to flinch and for the rest to snicker.
Logan looked back and glared at Charles, saying: ”I hear you, okay! Hmph!”
He then stomped towards the tent, causing their rest to shake their tents in amusement. They soon followed his footsteps and went to their own tents. Well, all except for Raven who doesn't really feel tired just yet.
He's currently busy preparing meals for the team. He planned on letting it cook overnight, just in time to reach the perfect doneness by breakfast tomorrow. That's not all what he's doing though.
Aside from preparing food for tomorrow, Raven was also busy analyzing their current predicament.
'Just where did this immense pressure came from?' That's what has been bugging him for quite some time.
Everyone, including him, were caught off-guard when it suddenly appeared. Raven had been trying to trace where this pressure was coming from but so far he had been failing on his attempts. He had a major guess though, and that is it's coming from the peak of the mountain. But he could also be wrong about that so he could only wait until they get there.
Whether this question of his was relevant to their journey is unknown too. So he didn't put much attention to it, he's merely curious, that's all.
Aside from trying to search for the source of this pressure, Raven was also thinking how they should proceed from now on.
There is no doubt that if he tries it, he could create a rune that could nullify the effects of this immense pressure. But that got him thinking, is it really wise for him to do that?
Raven feel slightly conflicted. On one hand, he was their support. The whole reason why he climbed the mountain with them is to make their journey smoother and easier. So far, he been doing that quite excellently.
But on the other hand, while some people might dread this immense pressure, Raven sees this as an opportunity.
Just like what he mentioned earlier, this pressure couldn't be found just about everywhere. Which also means that it is easy to replicate and that, they have to take advantage of it. This pressure is difficult to deal with, yes. But it also presents and opportunity for them.
An opportunity to grow stronger...
Under this pressure, this great discomfort, training will produce twice the result with half the effort. Additionally, with Raven's formation here, their safety won't be threatened. What's more is that, they're not in a hurry anyway, so why not take this time and this opportunity to increase their strength? Who knows when they'll be able to return here? Who knows if it's even possible for them to return here once they cleared it?
Raven sighed as his mind were filled about contrasting thoughts. In the end, he decided to discuss it with them tomorrow instead. Whatever the team decided to do, he'll just follow them. That's his role anyway.