Chapter 588: Secret of the Mountain (1/2)

'There it is again!' Raven exclaimed as soon as he felt that spike.

He hurriedly stood up and looked around, wanting to see where that spike came from but failing to find it's source. A trace of disappointment and annoyance could be seen on Raven's face. Now that he felt it for the second time, he could definitely feel the familiarity on that but he just can't grasp it since he can't find it's source. And that bugs him to no end.

The spike of fluctuations occurred so suddenly and disappeared at the same manner as well. Leaving Raven a bit displeased about the situation.

He frowned and sat back down on his spot, grumbling inwardly and swearing that if he ever gets another chance, he would totally discover what was going on.

Surprisingly though, as soon as he sat back down, a major change happened to his surroundings.

Under his astonished gaze, the raging blizzard disappeared without a trace, so as the snow that's covering his vision in white. They didn't melt nor evaporated, they just outright disappeared.

What replaced it was a rather chilled environment. One that is typical and made perfect sense. Raven was of course, shocked to see this unfolding before his very eyes. Although he was warned earlier that the climate changes very abruptly, he wasn't expecting it to be in this level. He thought that the snow would at least melt or something before being replaced by another climate, not just outright disappear.

Witnessing this happened caused Raven to be filled with questions. How was it possible and what happened? Raven was currently deducing it and he's not coming up with an answer that satisfies him.

'Wait...' Raven thought to himself, 'Are the two connected?'

What he's referring to was the sudden spike of fluctuations and the climate change. The idea of these events being connected occurred to him yet still, even though it sounds somewhat convincing since they practically occurred at the same time, it's not quite there yet.

'That spike of fluctuation occurred first and then the climate changed a few moments after it passed. It's the same as the one happened before it snowed. However, what he wanted to know is that what was the trigger for the change.

Does it have a pattern? A visible tell? How long does one climate last? How long would one climate last and son on? These are what he truly wanted to know.

'If that spike of fluctuation occurs and is the sign of a climate change, the I guess that'll be the huge sign then. But why is there a need for the spike of fluctuations to happen? Can't the climate change happen without it? Hmm?'

Raven was once again immersed on his own thoughts and it stayed like this for quite sometime. Hours passed and the War Gods were still resting peacefully within their tents. Raven has eventually woke up from his stupor and began focusing on something else.

He stood up from his spot and started walking around. He even went outside of the formation for a brief walk. He wanted to inspect the surroundings closer to see if he could receive more clues that will dispel the covering the veil within this mountain.

Raven saw that the road was pretty much clear, there's patches of grass at some areas of the path and some trees around. He looked at the sky and saw the clear night sky filled with numerous stars and a few patches of clouds as well as the large moon giving a faint silver brilliance to his surroundings. He could also feel the nice and chilled night winds blowing past his face as well as hear the sounds of crickets nearby.

All of a sudden however, Raven froze on his tracks. His eyes widened in disbelief as he hurriedly crouched down and touched the grass near him.

”It's real...” Raven murmured to himself, his voice was filled with slight disbelief.

He walked right up to the nearby tree and admired it close. He then lifted his hand and traced the grooves of it's bark. His eyes widening even more...

”This one's also real.” He whispered, he then looked around and continued saying: ”That means, everything I see and hear right now...are real!”

” can that be?” Raven stuttered as he retreated a couple of steps back. He subconsciously swallowed down some spit as he tried inspecting everything around him. And just like before, he could tell that everything around him was real.

Which makes things incredibly unbelievable to him since...