Chapter 536: Critisizing (1/2)

The three-man squad was speechless.

Even if Raven didn't deliberately said the words that he wanted say, they got what he meant.

Shame stemmed from the depths of their heart. The explanation of the lady that accompanied this masked-man was on point. That being said, is it really as simple as she says? Who was she anyway? Was she an Elder of the sect?

”You…don't understand.” Julius weakly said while his head hung-low.

”Yeah, you're right.” Raven replied, there was a trace of displeasure on his voice and visible confusion on his gaze. ”I really don't understand.”

”I really, really don't understand.” Raven reiterated, causing the three to flinch. ”When you guys told me about your situations early, I honestly sympathized with you. Heck, I even thought that the sect was being too harsh towards the Inner Disciples.”

”But then you started talking about how you guys were 'unworthy' and stuff. That's when I started feeling a bit weirded out. Whether I'm new or not in the sect in general or whether I merely am a disciple or an Elder, I don't think I'll ever have the power to deem who's 'worthy' or not.”

”So you see? I really am confused…” Raven leaned closer towards them and placed emphasis on his next words. ”Who gave you the or those people the right to call yourselves 'unworthy'?”

Raven's words were like the sharpest knives that stabbed through their heart. He didn't filter his words at all, there was even a trace of faint mockery in his tone.

”Do you know what you guys sounded like to me, after hearing all of this?” Raven asked, nobody answered him, he didn't care since he's going to tell them either way.

”It sounded like you guys were just making excuses.”


”Ridiculous!” Julius fumed, slamming the table in his righteous anger.

”Don't get us wrong, Crow or whoever you are but…you just don't get it.” Janine pulled Julius down and tried to explain softly, but there was a visible displeasure on her face. ”You were knew to the sect, how can you understand how those monsters work?”

”Did you honestly think that we didn't try?” Derek scoffed on the side, ”We've been here for five years, if you who just recently promoted as an Inner Disciple, could understand the benefits of those places, then why can't we reach the same conclusion?”

”Do you honestly think that we would rather stake our lives against devils if there was another way? What do you think of us? Idiots?”


Raven ruthlessly answered. Causing the three to be stunned silly and glare at him with righteous indignation.

”More specifically, suicidal idiots.” Raven continued, his voice cold and his words harsh. ”How can I say that? Well aren't you guys doing exactly the thing that I thought you were doing? Making excuses?”

”These facilities are there for you guys for essentially free. So long as you use them, you'll be able to solve your problems. Do you guys think that the sect built this things just for fun? Do you think that the council of elders were that bored and decided to waste precious resources just to entertain you?”

”Do you guys think that the sect raises disciples, make them fat and throw them as offerings for the devils in order to pacify their anger? You guys said it yourselves, you've been here in the sect longer than I have. The sect built this places in order to temper you and make you stronger just so that in time when you need to face these abominations, you'll be able to defend yourselves.”

”But not only do you people not use it, you even had the gall to make excuses in order to justify your weakness.”

”What were afraid of? Those geniuses that you call Monsters? What did they do to you? Did they prevented you people from using those facilities? Did they provoke you or the other way around? Do you know that once you started treating these people as geniuses, you already lost half of the battle?”

”They're Inner Disciples like you guys were. If they could do it, then what's stopping you?”

”Was it their talent? Their determination? Their methods? Numbers? If these things deter you then that's not because you're unworthy, that's because you already surrendered and doomed yourself to mediocrity. If you can't even muster up the courage to at least set them as your goal and surpass them, how could you guys expect yourselves to have a better life here?”

”Again, like you said, you guys were here longer than I've ever been. And if I can realize this, then there's no way that you guys can't. However, looking at your pathetic that really the case?”

”Now then, do you three have the guts to tell me that I am wrong when I said that you guys were just making excuses?”

Silence permeated around them.