389 Weird Behavior (1/2)

”Oh? You guys want to venture out?”

Inside Raven's house, him and his team were seated, silently enjoying warm cups of tea and the gentle hums of wind. As their conversation went on, the topic eventually got into the point of the rest wanting to venture outside of the Kingdom's walls.

”That's shouldn't be a problem, after all there's little to no people here that could give you guys any pressure to advance. And since war is over, I think Uncle would approve of it.” Raven said after taking a sip of his tea.

”It's not about whether the King would approve of it or not.” Paul shook his head and continued: ”It's more about…you know…”

”Huh?” Raven raised his brow in confusion. He then saw their eyes staring at him with certain seriousness, causing him to be reminded of somethings. An idea dawned upon him, causing him to finally understand what they wanted. ”Ahhh! I get it now. You guys want to step into Hero Realm as well.”

No one spoke as Raven was laughing, making the atmosphere turn a little bit awkward. Nevertheless, Raven didn't pay attention to it since he could vaguely know what they were thinking.

The war was a large eye-opener for them. No one in the Kingdom would dare to call them weak but in that war, their roles were very minimal. In the end, if it weren't for Raven, they might not have the chance to be here, alive and enjoying a warm cup of tea.

Raven was aware that his team didn't slack off on their training, however their progress became slower due to other responsibilities that they have to hold. And now that the war is over, they now have the ability to get rid of those responsibilities and seek opportunities for themselves.

All of them are aware that Raven was immensely strong. Even people who have higher cultivation that him can't be his enemies, much less those who are at the same level. And now that Raven stood even higher than them, of course it gave them immense pressure.

They didn't want Raven to leave them behind.

”Why the long faces?” Raven jeered, ”Geez, I was only gone for a few odd years and you guys are treating me like a stranger. You know that you can ask me for anything right?”

The faces of his team lit up, all of them felt like a burden was released from their shoulders. Paul scratched his head and said:

”Well, you really couldn't blame us dude.” He groaned, ”I mean, look at you. It's like your a different person! There's something in you that I can't put a finger on.”

His face them turned solemn as he continued: ”Plus, during the war I…”

Paul couldn't even finish his sentence as a sense of helplessness appeared on his heart. He then felt Ellen's hand clasping his, causing him to relax for a bit. Even then, the near-death experience he had was something that he couldn't easily brush off.

Everyone was stunned as the saw an image appear on the jade board.

No one here was a stranger about the land surrounding the Final Haven Kingdom, after all they all have seen the Skynet Array before, but what Raven revealed to them is something else entirely.

”Is this…” Mark trailed off as his eyes shone with light, ”The map of the whole world?”

”Yes.” Raven nodded, ”This is the map of the whole Grand Ancestral Plane.”

All of them inhaled sharply as they looked at the map with burning gazes. They then spotted several things marked on the map. They didn't even asked him where he got this map since they're used to his surprises by now.

”Wait! This is where our Kingdom is?” Ellen asked as she pointed on the marking that appears like the flag. Raven nodded to her causing Ellen to sigh. ”It's so small, and it's closer to the west. I didn't know that.”

”Where did you go during your journey then?” Anne asked curiously.

”Here, here, here and here.” Raven pointed at the places that he went during his excursion.

”You covered so much ground.” Luna commented, ”I'm guessing you visited a lot of Lairs too.”

”How did you know?” Raven faked a shocked expression, earning him a pinch from her. He smiled and pinched her cheeks gently. ”Don't worry, I was careful on the way. See? Aren't I safe and sound?”

Raven then placed on a serious expression and said:

”During my adventure, I went to several places. I have few places in mind that I can recommend you to go. But let me tell me warn you about a few things first.”

Everyone then listened to him since they knew that Raven's warnings are serious.

”A lot of things changed before and after the war. Although this map is very recent, there are chances that some things are changing even as we speak. Remember to never let your guard down once you're out there. One careless mistake and you guys will die. You hear me?”

The team nodded as they listened to him.

”Before you leave, make sure that you stock up on resources. You'll never know, you might need somethings that you never used before. The world out there is extremely unforgiving. You might even find yourselves witnessing Tier 7 and above beasts roaming around. If you're outmatched, run. Don't hesitate. As long as there is life, there is a chance. Seeking pressure to accelerate growth is one but courting death is another.”