322 Visi (1/2)


A day passed and the primate brothers didn't disturb Raven on his rest after they ate.

Raven took advantage of the privacy and went inside the Crown Space to train.

He made great progress in his battles there. Now he just cleared the 45th pocket dimension.

It took his a total of 20 tries to beat his enemy this time around. This was a lot, considering the fact that he's making solid progress on his skills as he moved along. This means that his enemies there are getting stronger and stronger. He felt that it won't be long until he faced yet another wall that he can't pass through.

Nevertheless, he wasn't afraid. His arsenal is just growing bigger throughout these battles. His techniques are being refined closer and closer to their acme as he go, and this undoubtedly help him in his future battles.

One thing to point out is that Raven had experienced some sort of changes inside the Crown Space, but it more of a side effect to be honest.

Due to him assimilating Tenrou's blood, his Time and Space Awareness had been boosted. Hence, he could now tell where the pocket dimensions inside of the Crown Space were, which saved him the troubles of blindly searching for them.

Raven really had no way of knowing where they were prior to this. He would just blindly go forward while experiencing the mighty suppression inside, and if there happens to be a pocket dimension in front of him, it would just suck him in and transport him to the battlefield.

Now that his awareness level had experienced new heights, he could now sense where the pocket dimension is. In fact, he could even see them.

Which lead to another side effect that he wasn't expecting.

His ocular technique which he named 'The Crystal Sky Eye', had experienced some sort of an evolution no too long ago.

Previously, the Crystal Sky Eye allowed him to see through his environment in a spherical point of view. Not only does it give him an enhanced visual prowess, allows him to see through things, it also allows him to see things that are not normally seen in the naked eye.

Things like intents, emotions, even Pixie Dusts and auras. His ocular technique allowed to see through many things.

Now, with the addition of his enhanced Time and Space Awareness, the things that he could see with the Crystal Sky Eye had broadened even further.

The things that his new awareness transmitted to him had become tangible things that he could see now.

Time was represented by lines which appeared like threads or fibers of silk that is omnipresent around him. Meanwhile, Space was represented by dots connected by lines like multiple constellations, which were also omnipresent around him.

These lines and dots are different from what the Fragile Signs of his Destruction Laws.

This is not to say that the representation of Time and Space on his ocular technique is impossible to become Fragile Signs that he could use to amplify his law-infused attacks. It was possible to happen, but Raven is not at the stage where he could seamlessly do it right.

If anything, superimposing those signs would mean that he would have the capabilities to destroy the very fabrics of time and space, and that is something that would cause so much destruction which would totally be out of Raven's control for now.

Destroying Time and Space. What kind of concept was that?

Even just the thought of it sends shivers to his spine. Not to mention that he didn't even know if it was alright for him to do that since he's in the lower realm. Time and Space around here is more malleable since it's much weaker compared to the Divine Realms.

If there's ever a time when he needed to practice doing this, he wouldn't risk doing it outside and would rather do it inside the Crown Space.


”We are humbled by Your Excellency's presence.”

Raven rolled his eyes as he cast a side glace at Ronald, who's smiling at him on the side.

Just this morning, Ronald told him that the current Tribe Leader of the Gentle Primates Tribe would like to meet him. Raven agreed since he see any harm from doing so, he thought that he would be going to where the Tribe Leader is but Ronald informed him that the Tribe Leader would visit them instead. He thought that it would be fine, although he specifically told Ronald to keep his status as secret, it seems that the latter totally forgot about it.