310 Pen Pal (1/2)



”Dear, No one.”

Anne Fiore, an eight year old girl, muttered as she wrote a letter. Anyone who could see doing this would be incredibly confused as to why she's saying the words she's writing, then again she is a young girl so they could blame it on immaturity.

”How are you doing? I'm sorry I didn't reply right away, were you waiting for my letter? If so, then yay. If not, then boo.” Anne giggled as she continued writing.

”My parents were strict, it's kind of annoying. They wanted me to meet ugly fatties. Those smelly and dirty fatties wanted me to play the zither for them. I don't want to but my parents said that it's fine, so I guess it's fine. But I don't want to meet them again, I don't like the way they stare at me.”

She pouted as she wrote, she briefly stopped and adjusted the lamp nearby her desk.

”Why won't you show yourself to me, Mr. No One? You told me that you're ugly but I don't believe it. I want to be friends with you so that we can play together. It will be more fun to play with you rather than that…boy that my parents introduced to me.”

”Anyway, forget about him. Hmph! As if I'm going to marry that boy! I don't like him, not at all. He looks at me like those smelly fatties.”

Anne pursed her lips as she twirled the pen briefly before writing again.

”Hey, you said that you've been watching me from far away right? Mom told me that only stalkers do that. But I don't know what a stalker means since she didn't explain, but it shouldn't be that bad if that's what you're doing right? After all, unlike them, you never treated me like a doll. You treated me like a friend, but you won't shoe yourself so does that mean that we're invisible friends? That doesn't make sense.”

”Well, I'll be waiting for you to show yourself. I don't believe your ugly. And even if you are, it doesn't matter. You know where I live, just knock and look for me okay? I'll be waiting.”

Anne was about to fold the letter but she remembered something, so she continued writing.

”Ps. I saw an very pretty earring today, it was worn by an Aunty I met at a party. I wanted one but my parents said that they're not making them anymore, plus it's expensive. It's a pity though, I super duper like those earrings. Anyway, send me a letter right away okay? *Kisses~”


Anne's face reddened so much as she remembered the contents of the same letter that she's holding right now.

Mark who was sitting beside her, can't even look at her as he too remembered the childish and cringy memories from his youth. He was red from his neck all the way to his ears, he's also sweating a lot for no particular reason.

”A-are you…really him?” Anne asked without looking. There was a very awkward atmosphere between them.

”M-mm…” Mark nodded, also couldn't bear to look at her.

After a round of silence, Anne couldn't help but said.

”Well…this is, uh…unexpected.”



Silence reigned once more. Thankfully there were no other person here other than them or else it would've been more awkward.

It really shouldn't have been a big deal. They were just two innocent kids back then, who happened to become friends from writing to each other…albeit secretly.

But that wasn't the point.

The reason it became so awkward is because Mark was Anne's pen pal back then. It was more because of a specific thing that Mark wrote, oh so boldly.


'Wait until we get older. I'll become really, really handsome and strong just like my Dad, then I'll show myself. Don't you dare get any husband before then, okay! I won't take any wife other than you!'

'I'll be your husband! I'll marry you when we grow up. We will have many kids and we'll live happily ever after just like the endings on your fairy tales. I'll make you happy and protect you with my life! I promise.'


Inside Mark's brain.

'Dear god, make it stop.' Mark wanted to cry but had no tears, as memories came rushing in. 'Seriously, what the heck is wrong with me? Why did write that? And I brought this to myself too!'

'…but it's not like anything changed really. But please, memories. My cringy memories, spare me of humiliation.'

And just as Mark was silently begging for the memories to stop, Anne was doing the same.


'Hey! Hey! You said it was a promise, so don't you dare break it! I will really wait for you. I too, promise that I won't take any husband aside from you. I'll wait for you okay?'

'I'll be a good wife and mommy. I'll love all of our kids, no matter how many there is! I mean it! I'll marry you, but please don't take too long. Otherwise, my parents and those smelly fatties will take me away.'
