288 Queens Pas (1/2)
”What did you say!?” Queen Elizabeth exclaimed in a shocked manner. She wasn't expecting this revelation at all.
”Does Your Majesty have no idea of what's going on outside?” Raven asked.
”I do.” Elizabeth answered, ”However barely. I can only see specific scenes from the moment I arrived here.”
Elizabeth beckoned Raven to be at ease. She sat on the seat near the altar and gestured Raven to do the same. She then asked him: ”Can you elaborate more on what actually happened?”
”I would like to tell you about it but we're in a bit of a hurry.” Raven replied, ”I'll just give you my memories of what happened. Please do not resist me, Your Majesty.”
Raven then sent a beam of energy towards Elizabeth's head. This beam contains the memories of Raven for her to see and it's not meant to harm her.
The Queen was silent for a bit as she reviewed the memories she for from Raven. At some point, tears flowed down her face, greatly alarming Raven and making him flustered since he didn't know what to do.
”Heavens…this is all my fault.” She said weakly in her seat, sobbing as she covered her mouth.
”One mistake and I missed out on a lot. I can't believe that it has been that long. My dear husband had suffered greatly and my children grew up so fast. My youngest had not only been cured, but she even have a lover by her side. Even our home is showing signs of prosperity.”
Raven could feel the sadness and longing in her voice. He felt pity for the Queen's situation at very depths of his heart. She has been away from her family for far too long. Of course, any mother would long to see the faces of her children.
”Thank you, Child.” The Queen said to him, smiling for the first time in a while. ”Thank you for looking after them, specially my daughter.”
”I only did what I could.” Raven answered humbly, ”I want to help you reunite with your family. I would also like to know how did Your Majesty ended up in this state.”
”You may call me Aunt, Child. We'll be in-laws in the future, for now this should do.” The Queen said, making Raven flustered yet again.
She was silent for a bit before finally telling everything from her perspective.
”Everything happened due to my selfishness.” She stated, ”You're right. I am part Druid. According to what my father said, my mother was one of the remaining Druids in this world. Unfortunately, she died after giving birth to me.”
”My father and I lived inside the forest.” She continued, ”He used to tell me stories about the outside world, from then on, I developed a desire to go there and meet people. The Druid's blood is evident on me, but it didn't do anything to my appearance. So even if I mingle with full blood humans, no one would know.”
”Father didn't want me to venture out of the forest. He was afraid that I'll be taken advantage of but the humans in there. Shortly, he decided to send me in the Kingdom since we caught news that a very powerful enemy will attack our tribe. The chances of survival were very low, so in order to save me he sent me away. When I arrived at the Kingdom, I already knew that our tribe didn't survive the fight.”
”Before sending me away, father told me to live my life to the fullest. He forbid me to live for revenge and pleaded me to forget about this enmity. But how could I possibly do that? On the other hand, I also know that I am too weak to do anything, so I set aside my plans for revenge in order to focus on getting stronger.”
”I am aware that I couldn't do this alone. I needed people behind me, I needed aid.” She said, ”But who would've thought that the enemy will trace me all the way here?”