270 7th (1/2)


A silhouette of a person was standing in front of Raven as soon as he entered the Crown Space.

This person is a woman, stood about 6'3 inches tall. Just like Inos, she appeared as a mere outline, a ghost per se. Which gave of an impression of mystery for Raven. And because she appeared to be at the same state as Inos, Raven thought that this person must be an important one for the Crown. He also didn't feel any kind of ill intent from her.

”Well met, Young Candidate. I am Astrid, the 7th Heir to the throne.” The silhouette performed a curt bow, to which Raven followed unconsciously.

”I thought as much.” Raven mumbled, he then decided to introduce himself to her. ”Well met, Madam. My name is Vendrick but I go by Raven. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

”Oh, you.” Astrid laughed merrily and said, ”Drop the formalities. No need to call me Madam or something. Just refer to me by my name, and I'll do the same.”

Raven was a little stunned to hear that, however it seems that she nothing could change his mind so he could only nod.

”We've been watching you since the moment you touched the Ancestral Divine Crown you know.” Astrid said, which made Raven perk up and listen closely. ”Though it's a pity that we are reduced to such state, and were forced to slumber for the most parts. We still are aware of what's going on, specially with the matters of the crown.”

”When you said 'We', that means you along with the rest of the heirs I assume?” Raven asked.

To which Astrid nodded. ”Yes, the 8 of us had been watching you all along.”

”Am I doing a terrible job?” Raven asked, wanting to receive some sort of guidance from her.

”Not really.” Astrid replied, she gently sat down and gestured Raven to do the same. ”You're doing just fine. You can take your time since you have lots of it. From what we've seen so far, you can tell when to pick up the pace and when take it easy so you don't need my advise for this.”

Raven smiled wryly and sat down with her, now he was certain that she was the real deal.

”That's right, you have my thanks for helping me step out of my slumbering area and stretch for a little bit.” Astrid said which made Raven confused.

”What did I do?” He asked.

”It's your Destruction Laws that awakened me.” Astrid said in a meaningful manner. Raven's eyes gleamed as he ventured a wild guess to which Astrid confirmed. ”Yes, I did cultivate the same Laws that you now possess.”

”That's awesome!” Raven exclaimed, ”If it's not too much, I might ask for some tips in the future whenever I hit a wall. Please do guide me then.”

”That will depend if whether or not I'm awake during that time or on your questions.” Astrid replied. She wasn't really refusing to help him but said that it will depend on the situation. ”Laws that you comprehend by yourself would always be better. You know this right?”

”I do.” Raven replied unhesitatingly, of course he knew that comprehending Laws will always be a long and hard-fought journey. Stumbling upon some roadblocks happens a lot and a little guidance from seniors would always be helpful.

But at the same time, relying on their knowledge would only lead to a flawed understanding, which is possible to completely block their way out and prevent them from going any further. This is why one has to rely to one's self in this journey.

”Comprehending Laws are akin to a never ending puzzle. You answered one, two more questions will appear. The closer you get to the source, the harder the puzzles are. But once you answered all of them and mastered your chosen Law, you will wield an immense power that could completely change the world according to you liking. But wielding a great power had it's own responsibilities as well.”

Astrid said in a profound tone, which sounds like she was talking to herself more than reminding Raven. Nevertheless, it wasn't his place to pry so he didn't ask any further.

”Is Inos still slumbering?” Raven asked, carefully in order to not offend her in any way, shape or form.