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”I can tell that you're Chaos Force is already saturated. Don't suppress your breakthrough for too long or else it will have an adverse effect.” Inos advised Raven.

”I know.” He replied, ”I was just afraid that this pocket dimension will become harder if I broke through so I suppressed it. I will be making a breakthrough soon.”

”So how was it? Facing yourself I mean.” Inos asked with a smile.

”It sucks.” Raven complained, ”But it's something I didn't know I needed.”

Raven was telling the truth here. He never knew just how beneficial it was for him to fight against a better version of himself. And because this version of him was created by the Mysterious Power of the Crown, it was unbiased and didn't held back it's punches. The doppelganger provided a much needed challenge and sense of defeat for Raven. Something to humble him down. In the Kingdom, there's only a few people that could match him blow by blow, and even if that was the case, he was confident that he could survive or retreat if he wanted to.

”That's good.” Inos added, ”This is one of the mysterious abilities of this Crown. It could predict your growth in a certain extent and thus help your growth up to some certain extent.”

”Is that so?” Raven mused, he then asked: ”I'm guessing that, should I be enlightened with any Law and face a doppelganger once again, then it would wield Laws better right?”

”Exactly.” Inos replied.

”That's nice.” Raven sighed, ”If only I could learn some Laws that would be great. But still, no luck.”

Law Enlightenment is the only category where Raven fell behind against his friends. After all this time, Raven still didn't have any luck on this department. He doesn't get it either. His foundation is as solid as it could be. His perception is probably the highest amongst them, and he never stopped trying but even after all that, he still hadn't experienced any enlightenments.

Luna was the first amongst them to experience one. She received enlightenment with Light Laws and had been receiving training from her father ever since. Anne was the next and hers was with Wind Laws, followed be Ellen in Fire Laws. Then Mark with Lightning Laws and Paul with Earth Laws.

Granted that their understanding in Laws aren't that advanced yet and still was considered in an entry level. That was enough for them to virtually caught up with Raven in terms of Battle Prowess. Raven was only defeating them in terms of experience and raw strength.

It had to known that Laws are the pinnacle of Affinity towards a certain element. When one has a high affinity towards a certain element, take fire for example, their energies would take after the qualities of fire. Their energies would have a certain heat onto them and could take after the image of fire.

But once Fire Affinity turns into Fire Laws, their energies would really start to behave like fire. The wildness of the element and the heat it carried, the way it spreads and the way it burns, their energies would become like that as well. And to top it all off, their attacks aren't just 'Fire-based' anymore, it would actually become fire itself.

Even at an entry level, Fire Laws allows one to wield 'actual' Fire itself. And this is why Raven is having a harder time coping up with his friends.

”You know that Enlightenment comes naturally right? And it's not like you can't be strong without Laws. Remember that one guy from the Divine Realm? The Mortal Emperor Sigmund? Didn't he fought with you against the abyssal without being Enlightened to any Laws?”

The Mortal Emperor Sigmund. Now that's a name that Raven hadn't heard in a while.

Sigmund was one of the comrades that he could entrust his life with during his past life. The guy got his acknowledgement since he has an unbreakable will. Even after tons of discouragement from his peers and masters, Sigmund never stopped seeking ways to improve himself.

There was a scene that imprinted his image into Raven's mind. And that's when someone crossed the bottom line of Sigmund, and as result, he destroyed the fool's home, an entire planet in one punch.

Raven wasn't aware of what happened between them but he never knew that he was that strong. What's crazier is that Sigmund is still in a fighting condition after that. Almost unbothered even.

During the final battle against the Abyssals, Sigmund was right there beside him. He held the Abyssal Emperor down as Raven was preparing to blow himself up with them to end his existence.