244 Gentle Cradle Tribe (2/2)
The people of the tribe practically had their eyes bulging from their sockets at they saw this incredible scene. They all started wondering what kind of sorcery is this and just what kind of entity Raven was.
Raven ignored their amazed gazes and focused at the task at hand. With a gentle wave of his hand, Nana's parents gently floated down and were placed in a soft stretcher. Once their backs hit the soft surface of the stretchers, one could already see their faces ease up.
”Sit there for a bit. This will be quick.” He told Nana as he focused on her parents, the little girl nodded and watched as Raven cured her parents. Those who were watching them practically gasped as they heard him speak.
Raven took out a vial of green fluid and popped the cork. He gently lifted their bodies and placed the vials on their lips. After they consumed the medicine he took out, he then took out another pair and this time lathered on the surface of their bodies.
Their bodies glowed with a gentle light, afterwards everyone saw how their faces regained color and visibly turned calmer. Raven briefly inspected their pulses and nodded, the mild medicine did wonders on their bodies. He then turned to Nana and said:
”It's done. They're out of danger now and sleeping peacefully, after an hour they should wake up so don't cry anymore okay?”
Nana jumped to his arms and said: ”Thank you, Big Brother.”
”You're welcome.” Raven smiled and ruffled her hair, ”Just wait there okay? Big Brother has other stuff to do.”
”Mn!” Nana said as she went back to her seat. Now that she could relax, she now noticed the soft surface of her chair which managed to distract her. The chair was big enough for her curl up and sleep, which precisely what she did since she never experienced anything this soft.
Raven smiled warmly as he saw her cute actions. He then looked up and whistled while holding up his arm, out of nowhere a Mirage Hawk appeared on arms which practically spooked everyone who was staring at him. Raven placed a rolled up letter on the compartment of it's legs and fed it before sending it away.
After that, it was time for Raven to face the rest of the tribe. He turned around and looked at every single one of them. He gave them a curt bow and said: ”Nice to meet you, my name is Raven. Pardon me for my intrusion, Nana asked me to cure her parents but your guards attacked me on sight so I could only force my entry.”
Raven then traced his fingers and suddenly, a stream of things flew out from it. Plates filled with aromatic food and jugs of clean water started levitating around him.
”I came in peace.” Raven stated, ”I made a promise to not harm a single soul in this tribe and I intend to keep it. As proof of my word, please accept this.”
Raven waved his hands and suddenly, the plates of food and water jugs started fly towards the people of the tribe. Some were scared out of their wits and tried to dodge or block the things flying at them only to find out that it wasn't meant to harm them.
”These are fresh food and clean water. Please, help yourselves. Don't worry I didn't place anything harmful with the food nor the waters. If you do have anything to ask of me, you can find me here. That's all.”
After that, he turned around and sat beside the sleeping Nana. He took out some blankets and covered sleeping family. He then took closed his eyes and waited.
Seeing that Raven truly didn't plan to harm any of them, some of them curiously took the food and water in their hands. Seeing the glistening delectable made them unconsciously drool, some of the braver/reckless ones threw caution out of the window and placed some food on their mouths, and when they did there was no stopping them.
These food will be easily digested and absorbed by their bodies since Raven personally arranged them. It didn't matter even if they were starving before this, their bodies won't reject these food or water since it has special effects.
It didn't take a long time before everyone around him busied themselves from eating. Aside from Raven, no one noticed that there was an old man slowly approaching them.
The old man eventually arrived at where Raven was and saw the latter standing up. Raven then gave him a curt bow and offered him a hand and his seat. The old man smiled kindly and said:
”Welcome to our tribe, Gentle Outsider. I am Neman the current leader of the Gentle Cradle Tribe.”