67 Mysterious message (1/2)


”Thanks for coming Brother, I appreciate it.” Luis said.

The man in front of him is cladded in a heavy silver armor carrying two swords on his waist. He was just as tall as him but he had red hair which made him stand out from the crowd. This is Bradley, Ellen's father.

”No problems there Luis. So, what's the situation here?” Bradley went straight to the point. Once he received the letter from the hawk, he immediately reported and went towards here to provide support. He also brought some men with him since Luis also requested for that.

Luis nodded to Julius and he stepped forward to do the honors.

It was then that Bradley and his men were made aware of the horrors that this place were hiding. They never expected something like this went under their noses. If it weren't for the guilt of the recruit who reported what was going on here, then it might really be too late for any of them.

”…there might be some changes since it has been a few hours since we came out. Either way, it's imperative that we take action.” Julius concluded the report.

Bradley let out an audible sigh and massaged his temples, he thought: 'I'm getting too old for this shit.'

”What's the plan?” Bradley asked.

”Complicated.” Luis replied which made Bradley raise his brow. ”There's way too many of them. If we charge in head first, then we will soon have our backs against the wall, too many will be injured and the rate of extermination can't keep up. Stealthing doesn't work too since even though we could thin them out, we will leave tracks which also lead into chaos.”

”If we raid them inside the colony, then we will walking on thin wire since we can't use attacks that are too damaging or else the ceiling will give in and we will buried underground. But if we work like that, then the damage we will deal would be slowed down and we will be mobbed by their numbers.”

Luis was stumped. He had been thinking of a way to deal with this colony for quite a while now.

”Burying them alive doesn't work either?” Bradley suggested.

”It doesn't.” Luis replied. ”These are ants, they are used to digging. It also won't reach or kill the queen for that matter. She's protected by a thick membrane of mucus. We tried getting an ambush before but all of our attacks only left a scar.”

”I'll leave for a while so that I could brief the rest of my team about what we're about to face. I'm confident that you'll come up with something.” Bradley patted Luis' shoulders and left.

Luis greatly appreciated this action, he sat back down to his chair and clasped his hand before him. ”You guys may take your leave.”

”Understood.” The elite forces saluted and went out of the tent.

After they left. Luis massaged his temples, he was debating to himself if he should ask for from the Royal Palace. But he decided to leave that out as a last resort, he will know when to call for them anyway.

In the mean time, he had to at least come up with something, there's at least six days left according to the intel before the queen finishes her evolution. He's short of time but he will managed, this wasn't the first time that he was cornered like this.

Luis streched out his arm and a Mirage Hawk suddenly appeared. He sighed and stroked the feathers of his companion.

This is what Luis usually do whenever he's in deep thought, it became a habit for him to be in company of his Mirage Hawk. His brain worked fast and tried to deduced for a good way to get rid of the trouble before them.

His mind wandered to the first moment that he met with Jonas. He retraced his memories and checked if he missed something very important. He recalled each of his orders, the deployment and the events that transpired not too long ago.

Then, his eyes widened as he remembered something important, a grin appeared from his face as he whispered: ”Yeah…yeah! That should work!” But his smile instantly disappeared since he knew that that shouldn't be all.