205 Tes (1/2)


Raven was faced with a dilemma.

What happened? Oh nothing much really! It's just that Morel, one of this Kingdom's Golden Knight who's reputation shines brightly like the sun, just officially declared his service to him.

In other words, Morel wanted to be his servant.

His declaration alone was enough to make Raven speechless for a good while. Raven even thought about whether Morel was under the effect of any drugs or if he was drunk and not on his proper mindset when he made this declaration.

But the solemnness and action that Morel showed convinced him otherwise. It wasn't until Morel introduced Joanna to him that everything became clear.

Honestly at this point, Raven did so many things to mess up the timeline that he had no idea what's about to happen next. During his previous life, he had no recollection or any interactions at all with this prestigious man, much less be aware that he had a daughter.

All he did was to free the captives, he didn't expect to have a Golden Knight to be indebted to him. And now he had no idea what to do.

Under normal circumstances, he would've denied this proclamation without batting an eye. Simply because he it's improper to take advantage of someone of this caliber. Morel was old enough to be his Grandfather, despite of his high cultivation, Raven couldn't find it to himself to force the man into service when in fact he should spend his time with his daughter.

But on the other hand, he could tell that Morel was determined to pay his debts (which is totally coincidental). Even Joanna didn't oppose his decision, in fact if her Dad didn't do it, she might've, only Morel wanted her to live her life to the fullest that's why he decided to do it himself.

Before Raven gave his answer, he went to his parents to get their opinion.

By this time, it is obvious that the people who entered a short period of closed-door cultivation had already finished claiming their gains, which are by no means little.

Majority of them achieved breakthroughs in their Law cultivation, while the breakthrough wasn't enough to make them step towards the Second Stage of their respective Laws, it was enough for them to raise their overall combat efficiencies, something that is very hard to come considering their current Realms. Their enlightenments undoubtedly strengthened their fundamental Law control. Before they left, they offered their sincere thanks towards Raven and went back to their posts. What they didn't know is that, this only the start of their power boost, the Spiritual Marks that they received from their Spirit Entities had more in store for them, something that Raven didn't find necessary to tell them.

After discussing it with his parents, they told him that it was his decision. Luis also felt that this situation is a bit improper but if it will result in his son's safety then he had no qualms about it. Luis told him the pros and cons of accepting him. He didn't deliberately showed nor implied it but Raven got his father's message.

In his stress, Raven decided to drink Moonshine with his parents. But he never thought that this little action of his would change the whole situation around.

After having his sense heightened by Moonshine, Raven couldn't help but stare at his mother. His stare was very solemn that it was making Eva a bit uncomfortable. Luis saw this and was similarly confused.

”What's the matter, son?”

But Raven didn't answer him. Instead, he walked towards Eva and placed a hand on her stomach. He sent the most gentle and faintest energy pulse throughout her body. Eva jolted for a bit but she was more curious about his son's actions rather than what she was feeling.

”Mom?” Raven asked, Eva looked at him and gave him a questioning look. ”Have you been feeling slightly out of it during mornings?”

Raven's question stunned his mother, nevertheless she thought about it for a bit and nodded. ”Actually, yes. It's probably because I was worried about your well being. I mean you were unconscious and all.”

'That will only happen to regular humans, Mom. You're a Knight yourself, that kind of stress would be gone with some good sleep.' Raven inwardly said.

'Dad?' Raven called out using his sound transmission. 'How's her mood swings.'

Luis didn't show any changes in his expressions since he knew that his son didn't want to ask this question out loud. He replied in one word. 'Terrible.'

Raven' eyes shone brightly which didn't escape his parents' notice. Raven chuckled and gave a bottle to Eva.