189 Rulers Vision (1/2)
Going back few moments early before the ritual was finished.
The Kingdom was tranquil, people enjoyed the comfort of staying inside their own homes as the night descended. Some people were a tad unfortunate to be placed on a night shift but all in all, everything remained particularly peaceful.
It was then that a bright flash of red light soared to the skies and expanded into a screen of light, wide enough for people to see.
Many people caught sight of this and was genuinely confused as to why this screen of light appeared out of nowhere. Some people were even alarmed of such sight and immediately panicked, thinking that doomsday finally arrived. As more and more people discovered the screen of light, a sudden change appeared which brought tumultuous waves upon their hearts.
The screen of light showed bird's-eye view of several people inside a facility that barely anyone knows of. They saw people wearing dark robes and sat in a circular formation, steadily chanting some strange incantations. In the middle of this circular formation, a fat man sat. His body was covered in tribal markings and his facial expression was kind of disturbed. In front of him was a large basin filled with viscous red fluid.
Not too far from them, a young man, probably not even in his twenties, stood. His youthful face was frosty like a piece of never melting ice. His hand tightly gripped the hammer he was holding as he stood straight like a spear. Of course, this was Raven.
\”How many?\”
Raven's voice was heard loud and clear by the people who were watching.
\”Tell me. Exactly how many people, you imbeciles used to perform this evil ritual?\”
As Raven continued speaking, the image on the screen lifted and showed the horrifying sight of hundreds of people hanged by their necks in the ceiling of the room while their stomachs were cut open.
This harrowing sight caused many people to let out a horrified gasps, some people outright threw up. They had no idea what was going on but what they saw will most likely haunt them in their dreams for many nights.
In truth, the only reason why they could see what was going on inside the tallest building of the underground district of the Mort Family is due to Raven using the Life Conversion Technique. Exchanging twenty years of his longevity, he was able to cast a technique called 'Ruler's Vision' which allows him to capture the situation in his location on a controlled perspective.
Sure, Raven could've used his badge to call for reinforcements. Sure, he could've sent a messenger hawk to his father to let him know about his current situation. But in the end, he chose this over those options. Why? He wanted to slap everyone awake from their fantasies that they're at peace. He wanted to remind them why they were cultivating in the first place and he wanted to reveal the truth in front of their faces.
Everyone watched as Raven single handedly fought against people who were definitely stronger than him. They see how he bravely fought and killed them without showing any ounces of pity nor mercy.
\”Blood Ritual: Devil's Cradle. This is what this ritual of your is called right?\” After the battle, Raven spoke once more. \”A sinister ritual that requires massive amounts of human sacrifices.\”
\”You're right.\” Raven nodded his head, \”I am one of the people who infiltrated this underground district of yours. Originally, my intentions are just limited to ending the existence of the Burning Heaven Clan, after all if they continue to exist, then my heart won't be at peace knowing that there is a threat to my family.\”
\”I saw this building from a distance and felt my heart stop, at first I wondered why and thought to ignore it but the foreboding sense of urgency gnaws at my heart. My curiosity got the better of me so I infiltrated this place as well and look at what I've stumbled upon? A ritual that ended the lives of many people who mysteriously went missing on the surface.\”
\”And for what purpose?\” The watchers saw Raven sneer and said: \”To summon people from the Black Curtain Guild, am I right?\”
All of a sudden, the air surrounding the kingdom became heavy. From the different locations, auras flared as well as terrifying killing intents. These people solemnly watched the skies, and as they listened to Raven's words, their rage soared to point that it covered the whole kingdom.