175 Purpose (1/2)


\”I did, but they could only do so much. Them attending to this sudden meeting is already causing a great risk on their missions.\” Balmung said as he shook his head, \”Right, I've been rambling here for quite sometime now, I haven't even told you about the clan yet.\”

\”The Eternal Horizon Clan is a two-faced organization.\” Balmung introduced, \”On surface, it is an organization that deals with community service. The building that you've seen outside is the headquarters for that. I handle those as well but that's just to cover for our major operations, like a distraction in a way. Those who willingly joined that branch will never be allowed here, that's the rule so do remember that.\”

\”The true Eternal Horizon Clan's headquarters is here. This has been the center of our meetings and where we discuss the next steps we do for the development of the kingdom. In here, we highly value secrecy, that's why you see majority of the members wore disguises, I know some disguises could be seen through but It doesn't matter cause even if we meet outside, if we aren't under a mission or you people didn't get any direct orders from me, then we will act like we don't know each other. That's another rule that must be observed. Of course, if you see a clan mate in trouble, you are free to help them but remember that none of you are allowed to reveal you're position in the clan to outsiders. I hope this is clear.\”

Raven nodded, signifying that he understood the rules.

\”Next, I'll tell you what we mainly do here.\” Balmung said in a more serious tone, he opened a drawer on his table and took out a stack of papers. He then handed it towards Raven who immediately inspected the papers.

Observations, escorts, investigations, infiltrations and even assassinations. These were all the kind of missions that he saw. What greatly surprised him was that, the targets of these missions are either influential people, big organizations or the danger zones within the kingdom. The general theme of the missions was to gather enough information first and clarify if the reports were correct. Then once they gathered enough evidence, it would depend on the Crown Prince to decide if there would be a frontal confrontation or stealthy assassination.

\”The idea is to gather as much intel as we could.\” Balmung explained, \”This is my way of sifting through all possible threats. Once we have enough proof then we strike.\”

\”The missions are available for anyone to view. Though there are no specific rules about what kind or difficulty of missions one could take, it's best to not to bite more than you can chew, specifically for beginners. We deal with dangerous targets, the clan always move in secret so no one is allowed to use the clan's reputation for bargaining, if we received news that someone did that, I'll be forced to deny those claims in order to protect the clan, do remember this.\” Raven nodded once more to Balmung's words.

\”You can apply for missions either individually or group, don't be scared of these people, their personalities might be a little eccentric but I personally screened them one by one, plus the benefits they could get by staying loyal is something not even other organizations could bear, so you can more or less trust them. That being said, if you prefer to work alone, that's fine as well. Make sure to look after yourself, if you fail the task then make a quick report using your badge so that we will be informed and can prepare for the worst.\”

\”The time limit is depending on the difficulty of the mission, sometimes it could take mere days to finish one mission, sometimes it might even take years, but what's important is you come back alive. The rewards that you'll receive after completing a mission, varies as well so choose carefully.\”

\”If, by any chances you fall in battle, your contributions to the clan will be remembered. And for that matter, the current and next generation of your bloodline will receive prompt compensation from the clan. This will allow them to prosper and be stronger.\”

\”That's basically all.\” Balmung said, \”Our purpose is rather simple, but we just do it behind the scenes so that we could catch the opponent off guard. So, how about it? Do you wish to join?\”

\”Of course, Your Highness.\” Raven replied without any hesitation.

Basically, every doubt that he had in mind was answered. He came here out of curiosity, he joined because of respect. The whole reason why everything was done in a secretive manner is because they didn't want their enemies to have time preparing for their assault. The less people know of them, the better they work. The more missions they complete, the more they help towards the kingdom's development.

When Balmung heard his willingness to join, he asked for the badge that Victor passed to him. Raven handed the badge and the prince placed a royal seal on the badge which not only transformed it's appearance but also added more functions to it.

\”Try your best to not lose this badge, this is one of the validations of your inclusion to the clan. But if you have no other choice, make sure to inform someone right away. This badge can serve as a communication device and also a beacon just in case you needed reinforcements.\”

Raven received the badge and immediately place left a mark on it, claiming ownership of the thing. He then returned it back to his sleeves and asked: \”I have a question, Your Highness.\”