Part 30 (1/2)

”You don't appreciate the situation; you really don't. Entirely between us, I wonder that I ever had the courage--the cheek!--to tell you how much I love you; how dear to me is the ground under your small feet; how I long to have you in my arms--you, with the Bank of England at your back; and I! But--Caesar's ghost!--what am I dreaming about? The sight of you, the touch of you, the sound of you, has so--so got into the very bones of me that I'd clean forgotten.

Why--Stella!--what's this?”

He took a small, round, leather-covered box out of his waistcoat pocket.

”My dear Rodney--how should I know what it is?”

As she looked at the outside of the box her eyes began to sparkle--as if she did not know!

”There! Why, it's a ring!”

”What a pet.”

”Give me your hand!”

”That's not the proper hand.”

”Isn't it? Which is the proper hand?”

”Rodney! How ignorant you are!”

”My dear, have I had your experience?”

”My experience!--silly! I thought everybody knew on which hand the engagement finger was--there!--that is the finger!”

She held out to him a finger which, if it was small, was slim and daintily fas.h.i.+oned. He bent and kissed it.

”Dear digit!--salutation! Now, you unclothed midget, I'll clothe you with this ring.”

”Oh, Rodney, what--what a darling!”

She pressed it to her lips.

”Does it fit?”

”As if it were made for me.”

”Isn't that wonderful, when I only guessed?”

”Thank you--thank you, Rodney.”

”It's only a poor little ring--a love token, to mark you as my own--that's all. But one day I'll give you the finest ring that money can buy, and you can put it in the place of this.”

”As if I ever would--or could! Rodney, this is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen--ever, ever, ever! And it always will be the most beautiful ring in the world--to me. No other will ever take its place.”

Her voice fell as she moved a little closer to him.

”I shall hope to be still wearing it when I am lying in my grave.”

”Dear love!”