Part 25 (1/2)
And I will too.
We'll both be crude and vulgar, yes we will.
Be off at once now or you'll be wailing Dirges for your hair. Get off at once, And see you don't disturb the Spartan envoys Just coming out from the splendid feast they've had.
_The banqueters begin to come out._
I've never known such a pleasant banquet before, And what delightful fellows the Spartans are.
When we are warm with wine, how wise we grow.
That's only fair, since sober we're such fools: This is the advice I'd give the Athenians-- See our amba.s.sadors are always drunk.
For when we visit Sparta sober, then We're on the alert for trickery all the while So that we miss half of the things they say, And misinterpret things that were never said, And then report the muddle back to Athens.
But now we're charmed with each other. They might cap With the Telamon-catch instead of the Cleitagora, And we'd applaud and praise them just the same; We're not too scrupulous in weighing words.
Why, here the rascals come again to plague me.
Won't you move on, you sorry loafers there!
Yes, by Zeus, they're already coming out.
Now hinnie dearest, please tak' up your pipe That I may try a spring an' sing my best In honour o' the Athenians an' oursels.
Aye, take your pipe. By all the G.o.ds, there's nothing Could glad my heart more than to watch you dance.