Part 13 (1/2)
I've a wreath for you too.
I also will fillet you.
What more is lacking? Step aboard the boat.
See, Charon shouts ahoy.
You're keeping him, he wants to shove afloat.
Outrageous insults! Thus my place to flout!
Now to my fellow-magistrates I'll go And what you've perpetrated on me show.
Why are you blaming us for laying you out?
a.s.sure yourself we'll not forget to make The third day offering early for your sake.
MAGISTRATE _retires_, LYSISTRATA _returns within_.
All men who call your loins your own, awake at last, arise And strip to stand in readiness. For as it seems to me Some more perilous offensive in their heads they now devise.
I'm sure a Tyranny Like that of Hippias In this I detect....
They mean to put us under Themselves I suspect, And that Laconians a.s.sembling At Cleisthenes' house have played A trick-of-war and provoked them Madly to raid The Treasury, in which term I include The Pay for my food.
For is it not preposterous They should talk this way to us On a subject such as battle!
And, women as they are, about bronze bucklers dare prattle-- Make alliance with the Spartans--people I for one Like very hungry wolves would always most sincere shun....
Some dirty game is up their sleeve, I believe.
A Tyranny, no doubt... but they won't catch me, that know.
Henceforth on my guard I'll go, A sword with myrtle-branches wreathed for ever in my hand, And under arms in the Public Place I'll take my watchful stand, Shoulder to shoulder with Aristogeiton. Now my staff I'll draw And start at once by knocking that shocking Hag upon the jaw.
Your own mother will not know you when you get back to the town.
But first, my friends and allies, let us lay these garments down, And all ye fellow-citizens, hark to me while I tell What will aid Athens well.
Just as is right, for I Have been a sharer In all the lavish splendour Of the proud city.
I bore the holy vessels At seven, then I pounded barley At the age of ten, And clad in yellow robes, Soon after this, I was Little Bear to Brauronian Artemis; Then neckletted with figs, Grown tall and pretty, I was a Basket-bearer, And so it's obvious I should Give you advice that I think good, The very best I can.
It should not prejudice my voice that I'm not born a man, If I say something advantageous to the present situation.
For I'm taxed too, and as a toll provide men for the nation While, miserable greybeards, you, It is true, Contribute nothing of any importance whatever to our needs; But the treasure raised against the Medes You've squandered, and do nothing in return, save that you make Our lives and persons hazardous by some imbecile mistakes What can you answer? Now be careful, don't arouse my spite, Or with my slipper I'll take you napping, faces slapping Left and right.
What villainies they contrive!