Part 26 (1/2)
Good sight reading, and for reference.
Peter the Great (Motley). Maynard, Merrill, & Co.
A very interesting essay in superior style.
The Succession of Forest Trees, Wild Apples, and Sounds (Th.o.r.eau).
Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.
A very attractive nature study.
Ruskin's Selections. Ginn & Co.; The Macmillan Co.
Longer selections from Ruskin. Excellent also for regular reading.
My Hunt after the Captain, etc. (Holmes). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.
A very entertaining description of scenes during war times.
Don Quixote (Cervantes). Ginn & Co.; The Macmillan Co.; Scribner's Sons.
A book that children should be encouraged to read. Its satire and humor they should learn to appreciate.
Ivanhoe (Scott). The Macmillan Co.; Ginn & Co.; American Book Co.; Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.; D. C. Heath & Co.
The best introduction to Scott's novels, in connection with school studies.
The Abbot (Scott). Ginn & Co.; American Book Co.
One of Scott's best stories.
Yesterdays with Authors (James T. Fields). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.
Rob Roy, and Quentin Durward (Scott). Ginn & Co.; American Book Co.
Good library books.
The House of Seven Gables (Hawthorne). Houghton, Mifflin, & Co.
A New England story in Hawthorne's style. A good home study for children and teachers.
The Boy's Browning. Dana, Estes, & Co.
A good collection of the simpler poems adapted to younger readers.
Tale of Two Cities (d.i.c.kens). Ginn & Co.; American Book Co.
Jean Valjean (from Les Miserables). Ginn & Co.; Educational Publis.h.i.+ng Co.