Part 6 (1/2)

”So you've not ever...”

”Not in complete werewolf form, no. And if we continue to discuss my s.e.x life, I may have to strip down and swim over there.

Being near you arouses me, Bella.”

”I'd say that's good reason for you to leave.”

”Make me.”

Again with the bold challenge. She considered swis.h.i.+ng a wave of water at him. Like that would deter the big, bad wolf. ”What keeps back werewolves?”

He removed his jacket and tossed it on the lounge chair behind him. The black cotton s.h.i.+rt he wore stretched across his chest and shoulders, revealing powerful biceps.

”Silver. It must penetrate and enter the bloodstream, though. You can't simply press a silver spoon against my head and expect me to sizzle and burst into bits.”

”So you don't eat people?”

”You must have watched An American Werewolf in London.”

”I saw an old video when I was a teenager. I'll never forget that scene with the dead girl and her throat ripped out.”

”That's not going to happen. Unless you've tormented my kind, or are deserving of just punishment. Vampires are more likely to maul and kill humans than my breed will.”

”That's weird, because I'd think the one closer to an animal would be more likely to do the mauling stuff.”

”It hurts me when you label me an animal.”

His confession stunned her. Men didn't reveal their feelings. Not most.

Sure, he looked like a man now. But he wasn't. Not really. And he'd explained he could be a real wolf. That was about as animal as a guy could get.

”May I join you?”

”Do dogs swim?”

”I am not a dog. I'm a wolf. And get that straight.”

He began to unlace his heavy boots.

Dare she invite him in? That d.a.m.ned piercing gaze of his would not relent. Something about the challenge he pressed upon her excited her. And if she were the one to do the inviting, then she would still be in control.”You're not going to leave until you've touched me, are you?”

”So quickly you learn my manner. I like that about you, Bella. Even as your heart races with fear, you aren't afraid to meet the next challenge. And no, I don't intend to leave until I've at least been allowed to stroke your soft skin.”

Mmm, a stroke sounded nice. Romantic.

Bella's elbows slipped from the pool's edge, and she kicked to stay above water.

This was wrong. So wrong. And yet, part of her thrummed with antic.i.p.ation. The man was growing on her. He wasn't shockingly handsome or charming, but something about his aggressively gentle approach intrigued her.

”Come on, then, but keep your distance.”

He tugged the T-s.h.i.+rt over his head, revealing an abdomen that would have made an abs instructor whimper. He kicked off his boots, and he unzipped and tugged down his black jeans.

”Keep your skivvies on,” she said when he stood before her in nothing but black boxer briefs.

”Fair enough.”

d.a.m.n, he was a sight. Powerful thighs and legs pulsed with his movement. The cut muscles on his abdomen emphasized square hips. The dark boxer briefs did little to disguise his erection. Bella had never seen someone so appealing, so utterly powerful and intriguing.

He jumped in, splas.h.i.+ng her with his grand entrance. Coming up in the center of the pool, he treaded water and shook his head, spattering water across her face. ”This is heated. Nice.”

”Really nice on a cool evening.”

”In the nude?”

”Only when I'm alone. So wolves can swim?”

”Faster than you, so don't get any ideas.”

Right. Not safe, Bella. Don't forget that.

”You're all about the he-man stuff, aren't you? Me Tarzan, you Jane. You know that's not attractive to most women.”

”You like it,” he said with confidence.

”I do not.”

”You're aroused right now, sweet.”

”Don't call me that. You have no right to give me a pet name. And if you think I'm aroused because my nipples are hard, it's only because the water-”

”Is warm.” His prideful grin told her he'd scored the point on that one.

Okay, so she was a little turned on. His incredible body, rippling with muscle, went a long way in making him more human and real. And while she wasn't attracted to the hairy look, she couldn't deny a hunger for some washboard abs. He swam closer and Bella held her position at the edge. She'd let him approach and see what he had in mind this time around. If he kissed her, she would accept it, but she was asking for more than a mere kiss, and she knew it.

”So you haven't called the police?” He treaded water a couple feet from her but did not drift closer.

”Like they'd believe me. Hey, three vampires chased me, and now I've got a werewolf stalker. Send help right away!”

”You make light of it, but I know you're frightened, Bella. You needn't be scared of me.”

”You insist on manhandling me every chance you get without asking my permission. What about that treatment should make me unafraid?”

”Again, you want it more than you know. I don't smell fear on you now. And though curiosity has no scent, I'd wager that is what you're feeling. You're curious about me. About us.”

She was about to say ”There is no us,” but that was too easy. Instead, Bella lifted her leg and toed his chest, pus.h.i.+ng him back about a foot. ”Stay. Good boy.”

The water rushed up around her face and into her mouth with his swift approach. He put her up against the tiled wall. Bella choked on swallowed water.