Part 31 (1/2)
”Quite so--I see--The North may be divided, the South will be a unit.”
”Exactly; they'll fight as one man if they must.”
The longer Socola talked with this pale, earnest, self-poised man, the deeper grew the conviction of his utter sincerity, his singleness of purpose, his pure and lofty patriotism. His conception of the man and his aims had completely changed and with this change of estimate came the deeper conviction of the vastness of the tragedy toward which the Nation was being hurled by some hidden, resistless power. He had come into the South with a sense of moral superiority and the consciousness not only of the righteousness of his cause but the certainty that G.o.d would swiftly confound the enemies of the Union. He had waked with a shock to the certainty that they were entering the arena of the mightiest conflict of the century.
He girded his soul anew for the role he had chosen to play. The character of this Southern leader held for him an endless fascination.
It was part of his mission to study him and he lost no opportunity. The greatest surprise he received during his stay was the day of the election of President at Montgomery. He had expected to be present at this meeting of the Southern Convention but, hearing that it would be held behind closed doors, had decided on his visit to Briarfield.
A messenger dashed up to the gate, sprang from his horse, hurried into the garden, thrust a telegram into the Senator's hand.
He opened it without haste, and read it slowly. His face went white and he crushed the piece of paper with a sudden gesture of despair. For a moment he forgot his guest, his head was raised as if in prayer and from the depths came the agonizing cry of a soul in mortal anguish:
”Lord, G.o.d, if it be possible let this cup pa.s.s from me!”
A moment of dazed silence and he turned to Socola. He spoke as a judge p.r.o.nouncing his own sentence of death. His voice trembled with despair and his lips twitched with pitiful suffering.
”I have been elected President of the Southern Confederacy!”
He handed the telegram to Socola, who scanned it with thrilling interest. He had half expected this announcement from the first. What he could not dream was the remarkable way in which the Southern leader would receive it.
”You are a foreigner, Signor. I may be permitted to speak freely to you.
You are a man of culture and sympathy and you can understand me. As G.o.d is my judge, I have neither desired nor expected this position. I took particular pains to forestall and make it impossible. But it has come. I am not a politician. I have never stooped to their tricks. I cannot lie and smile and bend to low chicanery. I hate a fool and I cannot hedge and trim and be all things to all men. I have never been a demagogue.
I'm too old to begin. Other men are better suited to this position than I--”
He paused, overcome. Socola studied him with surprise.
”Permit me to say, sir,” he ventured disinterestedly, ”that such a spirit is evidence that your people have risen to the occasion and that their choice may be an inspiration.”
The leader's eye suddenly pierced his guest's.
”G.o.d knows what is best. It may be His hand. It may be that I must bow to His will--”
Again he paused and looked wistfully at Socola's youthful face.
”You are young, Signor--you do not know what it is to yield the last ambition of life! I have given all to my country for the past years. I have sacrificed health and wealth and every desire of my soul--peace and contentment here with those I love! When I saw this mighty struggle coming, I feared a tragic end for my people. I fear it now. The man who leads her armies will win immortality no matter what the fate of her cause--I've dreamed of this, Signor--but they've nailed me to the cross!”
He called his negroes together and made them an affectionate speech.
They responded with deep expressions of their devotion and their faith.
With the greatest sorrow of life darkening his soul he left next day for his inauguration at Montgomery.
Socola left Briarfield with the a.s.surance of the President-elect of the Confederacy that he might spend a week with the Bartons and yet be in ample time for the inauguration at Montgomery.
He boarded the steamer at the Davis landing and floated lazily down to Baton Rouge.