Part 18 (2/2)
”In the corner there on the right.”
”Oh, that's the Sardinian Minister--King Victor Emmanuel's new drummer of trade for Genoa. He's getting ahead of the French, too.”
”No--no, I don't mean that little rat. I mean the big fellow with the heavy jaw and a face like a rattlesnake. He's trying to charm you too.”
Jennie laughed.
”Silly! That's the new Secretary of War, Joseph Holt.”
”A scoundrel, if G.o.d ever made one--”
”Because he looks at me?”
”No--that shows his good taste. It's the way he looks at you and moves his crooked mouth and the way he bends his big flat head forward.”
”Rubbish--he's a loyal Southerner--and if we have to fight he'll be with us.”
”Of course, he will. He's careful now. He's in old Buck's cabinet. Wait and see. He called on Mr. Davis last night.”
”That's nothing--so did old Seward--”
”Different--Seward's a Black Republican from New York--Holt's a Southern Democrat from Mississippi.”
”And who's the young knight by his side with the dear little mustache to which he seems so attached?”
Jennie looked in silence for a moment.
”I never saw him before. He's handsome, isn't he?”
”Looks to me like a young black snake just shed his skin waiting for that old adder to show him how to strike.”
”G.o.d save the Queen! They're coming here--they're coming for you--”
The Secretary of War had nodded in recognition of Jennie, risen suddenly, and moved toward the gallery exit with his slender companion.
”Nonsense, d.i.c.k--he only bowed because he saw me staring--”
”He's bringing that mustache to meet you--”
The boy turned with a scowl toward the door of their gallery and saw the Secretary of War slowly making his way through the crowd to their seats.
”I told you so--”