Part 12 (1/2)
”Of course, and for that reason my happiness will be his.”
”G.o.d knows, I hope so,” was the doleful response. ”But if I must, I must. I'll see him.”
A quick kiss in the friendly shadows and she was gone.
He walked alone an hour after supper, s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up his courage to the point of bearding the Colonel in his den. He fumbled the door-bell at last, his heart in his throat.
Old Rough and Ready was not inclined to help him in his embarra.s.sment.
Never had he seen the lines of his strong jaw harder or more set than when he grunted:
”Sit down, sir. Don't stand there staring. I'm not on inspection.”
The perspiration started on his forehead and he moistened his dry lips.
”I beg your pardon, Colonel. I was a little fl.u.s.tered.
I've--a--something--on--my mind--”
”Out with it!”
”I--I--I'm in love with Miss Sarah.”
”You don't say?”
”Y-yes, sir.”
”Well, it's no news to me. The whole family have been enjoying the affair for some time. I suppose you're asking--or think you're asking--for my daughter's hand in marriage?”
”That's it--yes, sir--exactly.”
”I guessed as much. I'm glad to tell you, young man, that I've always had the kindliest feelings for you personally--”
”Thank you, sir--”
”And the warmest admiration for your talents as an officer. You're a good soldier. You have brains. You have executive ability. You're a leader of men. You'll go far in your profession--”
”Thank you, sir--”
”And that's why I don't like you as a son-in-law.”
”I love my daughter, and I want her to be happy in a real home with a real husband and children by her side. A soldier's life is a dog's life.
I've pitied the poor girl who gave up her home for me. Many a bitter tear has she shed over my absence, in torturing dread of the next letter from the frontier--”
He paused and sprang to his feet:
”A hundred times I've sworn no daughter of mine should ever marry a soldier! The better the soldier, the more reason she should not marry him--”
”But, sir--”