Part 1 (1/2)

The Victim.

by Thomas Dixon.



The hot sun of the South was sinking in red glow through the giant tree-tops of a Mississippi forest beyond the village of Woodville.

A slender girl stood in the pathway watching a boy of seven trudge manfully away beside his stalwart brother.

Her lips trembled and eyes filled with tears.

”Wait--wait!” she cried.

With a sudden bound she s.n.a.t.c.hed him to her heart.

”Don't, Polly--you hurt!” the little fellow faltered, looking at her with a feeling of sudden fear. ”Why did you squeeze me so hard?”

”You shouldn't have done that, honey,” the big brother frowned.

”I know,” the sister pleaded, ”but I couldn't help it.”

”What are you crying about?” the boy questioned.

Again the girl's arm stole around his neck.

”What's the matter with her, Big Brother?” he asked with a brave attempt at scorn.

The man slowly loosened the sister's arms.

”I'm just going home with you, ain't I?” the child went on, with a quiver in his voice.

The older brother led him to a fallen log, sat down, and held his hands.

”No, Boy,” he said quietly. ”I'd as well tell you the truth now. I'm going to send you to Kentucky to a wonderful school, taught by learned men from the Old World--wise monks who know everything. You want to go to a real school, don't you?”

”But my Mamma don't know--”

”That's just it, Boy. We can't tell her. She wouldn't let you go.”


”Well, she's a good Baptist, and it's a long, long way to the St. Thomas monastery.”

”How far?”

”A thousand miles, through these big woods--”

The blue eyes dimmed.