Part 86 (1/2)

Lady Polly Nicola Comick 31390K 2022-07-22

”We had best seek shelter,” Lord Henry said, all hint of easy amus.e.m.e.nt gone from his tone.

”No, it is too far to the village. The House of Tides is nearer.

Hurry, please!”

Polly could understand his urgency. She had no coat to protect her, and already the rain was heavier. The sky over the sea had turned a leaden grey.

She could not believe how quickly the weather had changed and now the air was heavy with the threat of thunder.

The first nicker of lightning touched the sky as they reached the edge of Lady Belling ham's land. Polly was almost in a panic now. She hated thunderstorms and the ones that rolled in from the sea could be particularly fierce.

”Not far now.” Henry's voice was rea.s.suring.

”We will go in the back way, through the shrubbery, as it's closer.”

He held the little gate open for her and they slipped through as the rain began to pour in earnest. Polly, clutching her soaking portfolio and box of crayons under her arm, wondered briefly what on earth Lady Belling ham would make of the arrival of two such drowned rats. She had only met her ladys.h.i.+p a couple of times for, though travelling copiously. Lady Belling ham was virtually a recluse when she was in Suffolk.

Henry helped Polly up on to the terrace with a hand under her elbow.

The steps were slippery in the rain and she almost stumbled.

Then the French windows were flung open before them and Lady Belling ham's rich contralto tones, warm with amus.e.m.e.nt, said, ”Well, upon my word!

Apollo and Niobe! Or am I mixing my Greeks and Romans? I was never very good at mythology, alas! ” Polly, regardless of her dripping clothes, found herself engulfed in a huge scented embrace. Lady Bel- ling ham's many colourful scarves wafted about her like a ma.s.sive sheet.

”Dear child!” her ladys.h.i.+p said fondly.

”How delightful to see you again!

And Henry! ” Now there was a roguish twinkle in her dark eyes, ”You have been away too long, dear boy!”

There was a fearsome clap of thunder overhead. Polly jumped violently.

”Come in, come in!” Lady Belling ham urged, stepping back so that they could go into the drawing- room.

”We have come to throw ourselves on your mercy, Lady Belling ham,”

Henry said with a smile, pus.h.i.+ng the soaking hair back out of his eyes.

”Lady Polly and I were taking a stroll on the cliffs when the storm came up, and we thought to seek shelter here. Lady Polly has become separated from her party in all the confusion. I apologise for the imposition.”

”Nonsense, dear boy, and you know it!” Lady Bel- ling ham clapped her hands so that her bracelets jingled loudly. A fat white cat, asleep on a puffy sofa, raised its head briefly before closing its eyes again with the most perfect indifference.

”I adore excitement, as you know,” she continued, eyes sparkling, 'and I lead such a retired life usually. Your arrival is most timely for I was about to succ.u.mb to ennui. I shall rely on you for all the gossip in recompense! ” Her eye fell on Polly, dripping quietly on to the carpet.

”Dear me! I should not keep you talking or you will catch a chill!

Now, I will take Lady Polly away to change her clothing and Gaston, my general factotum, will fetch some dry things for you, my dear Henry!

Then he can go and see if he can find trace of your friends, my dear.”

She smiled at Polly.

”I am sure we can reunite you all soon!”