Part 68 (1/2)
”In front of his own sister too,” Lord Blakeney was saying, outraged, as he shepherded a pink-faced Laura March night protectively into the inn.
”Lady Laura, please wait here whilst I have my phaeton brought round!
You cannot drive back with Lord Henry after that--' But here Laura March night proved surprisingly obstinate.
”I a.s.sure you, Lord Blakeney, I have no difficulty in accepting my brother's escort back to Berkeley Square. I should be delighted if he chose to take me up!”
It was a shame Lord Blakeney could not see that he was doing himself great disservice in Laura's eyes by criticising her brother, Polly thought. She was very loyal to Henry.
Polly saw the look of mingled regret and exasperation that pa.s.sed between Therese Verey and Jane Delahaye, as Therese said to her, ”Lady Polly, it would be best, perhaps, if both you and Lady Laura drive back with us. It will be a bit of a squeeze, but I am sure none of us will mind...”
And Simon Verey had hastened away to attend to the setting to of his carriage.
Polly felt dazed and a little sick. Whilst she had common sense enough to see that Lady Bolt had planned the whole encounter, the memory of it filled her with revulsion. And Henry was hardly blameless. He had been chatting to the Cyprian only a moment earlier and had obviously been enjoying her company. Perhaps he had even arranged to meet her there to arrange a tryst later that day! Polly's lost hopes mocked her. She had begun to believe Henry sincere, to trust him. Well, now she saw the error of her ways!
Polly spent the whole of the journey back to Brook Street in a numb silence and then went straight to her room, declining to tell even Lucille about the events of the day. Miserably she wondered why Lord Henry had made no attempt to see or speak to her before they had left.
He had disappeared with the speed of a man effecting a guilty exit. Had he approached her it would have been difficult to know how to deal with the situation, but she would have preferred to have had that opportunity.
Evidently he had not cared sufficiently about her opinion to make an effort to explain to her.
Defiantly, Polly put on her favourite dress and prepared for the ball at Mrs Fleetwood's that evening. If she was going to have to face Lord Henry March night and the attendant scandal, she was determined to look her best.
As Polly had antic.i.p.ated and dreaded, the tale was all over Town.
”How foolish of Harry...” Lucille sighed, as she and Polly fended off the fifth curious gossipmonger 'and how unlike him! ” ”I collect you mean he was foolish to be caught,” Polly said tartly. She sat down rather heavily and rubbed a foot where her dainty dancing shoes were pinching. It did not add to her good humour.
Lucille looked reproachful.
”I mean to have allowed himself to have been trapped by Susanna! She is forever up to these little tricks just to amuse herself!”
Polly thought that Lucille was probably right, but she did not have any sympathy for Henry.
”I am persuaded that Lady Bolt did not force him into any situation unwillingly,” she said coldly.
”I think you are too indulgent of his folly, Lucille!”
Lucille raised her eyebrows at this reproach.
”Well, upon my word, you are very hars.h.!.+ Susanna has succeeded admirably!”
This caught Polly's attention.
”Whatever can you mean, Lucille?”
”Why, simply that Susanna is currently engaged in an attempt to ruin the future for yourself and Henry! She has already succeeded in improving on the estrangement between Peter and Hetty. I think...”
Lucille smiled serenely '. I hope that she will not accomplish a break between Nicholas and myself!
I think that beyond even her charms! ” Polly was staring at her sister-in-law in horror. ”You think that this is all a plot of Lady Bolt's?”
”a.s.suredly! She will engineer any chance to cause trouble! You should know that by now, Polly--' Lucille broke off with a little gasp and, turning her head, Polly saw that the object of their discussions had just come into the ballroom. As if to underline Lucille's words, Susanna Bolt was hanging heavily on the arm of Peter Sea grave.
”Oh, truly,” Lucille said, sounding more vexed than Polly had ever heard her, 'this is the outside of enough! ” It had been an unenjoyable evening. Polly danced a few desultory dances, chatted half-heartedly and waited in vain for Lord Henry March night to make an appearance. They retired early, leaving Lady Bolt in triumphant possession of the floor and of Peter Sea- grave, and the Dowager Countess railed ceaselessly against her all the way home. Polly slept fitfully and woke with a headache.