Part 28 (1/2)
Polly knew she sounded bad-tempered even before Lucille gave her a look of amused concern. Peter's intelligence that Lord Henry was taking up with Lady Bolt again should not have surprised her, but it had certainly made her very crabby. To have to console the Dowager Countess over Peter's abrupt arrival and departure had been almost too much to bear, when his advent had brought her such unwelcome news.
”Upon my word, you sound very severe!” Lucille said calmly.
”Quite as though you are suffering the gout! Perhaps your own affairs are not prospering either?”
”You are very acute, Lucille,” Polly admitted with a half-smile, feeling some of her good humour start to return.
”The truth is that I seem to have been dispensing advice liberally these past few days, yet I can only seem to make a mull of my own business!” She sighed and got to the point.
understand from Peter that Lord Henry March night was taking his place at Weller den's houseparty--in more ways than one! ” Lucille put her book down.
”Here's a tangle! You mean to imply that Lord Henry has taken up with Lady Bolt? Surely Peter is mistaken?”
Polly shrugged pettishly.
”Is it so surprising after that flagrant public display at Richmond?
Oh, Lord Henry denied it to me, but I did not believe him! What an extraordinary woman! Peter, Lord Henry and the Duke of Gars ton all in the s.p.a.ce of a few short weeks! Anyway--' she shrugged again '--I neither know nor care! I am done with Lord Henry! He is forever flitting hither and thither like some will o' wisp! It tries my patience!”
”He certainly seems very busy for a man who has no purpose in life,”
Lucille agreed, straight-faced, remembering certain secret information Nicholas had imparted to her about Lord Henry's activities.
”No purpose!” Polly's indignation was well established again now. Like many people who were seldom disagreeable, once she really lost her temper she had to give it full rein.
”He seems to have purpose enough in gambling and debauchery! And to take up with Lady Bolt, who has been bought and sold by half of London!
Well, I will not take her leavings!”
”Oh, dear,” Lucille said, lips twitching into a smile, 'you are hopelessly in love with him still! ” ”In love! I have a mind to many the next man who asks me!”
Polly caught Lucille's eye and her anger simmered into reluctant amus.e.m.e.nt.
”Well, no doubt I am a fool to want a man to be other than he is...”
”Not at all!” Lucille stretched like a cat in the warmth of the sun.
”Rather, you would be a fool to settle for second best!
But I am still not entirely sure that Lord Henry has succ.u.mbed to Susanna's rather overblown charms! ” She yawned.
”And let us hope Hetty does not feel as you do, or Peter may return home without her! She certainly has a great deal to forgive in his behaviour!”
Polly sighed. Despite the bright promise of the day, she felt strangely discontented.
”Love!” she said crossly.
'”Most loving mere folly,” Lucille quoted lightly,