Part 2 (1/2)
Feeling a p.r.i.c.kle of envy at the casual way Lucille mentioned Lord Henry, Polly sought to defend herself.
”It is not that I am in love with him, precisely--' The door opened to admit Medlyn with the tea. Lucille poured neatly and pa.s.sed Polly a cup.
Once she had thanked him and the door had closed again, Lucille turned back to Polly.
”Come now, Polly, do you think you can cozen me? It may be that you originally suffered from a schoolroom infatuation for Lord Henry, but I am sure you have discovered that this has turned to something far more profound.”
”You have not forgotten what I told you at Dilling ham in the autumn,”
Polly said sadly.
”I was being foolishly self-pitying! It was simply that your own wedding made me feel sorry for myself and I regretted the opportunity I threw away!
But that was all over a long time ago! It is of no consequence!”
Lucille studied her sister-in-law over the rim of her teacup.
”But I am concerned for your happiness, Polly! All these gentlemen you refuse are so very eligible and do not take their rejection lightly!
You know that you are getting a reputation for pride! And what are you to do if you do not marry?”
Polly shrugged, a gesture which her mother deplored.
”Oh, I shall devote myself to studying and good works! And if I miss the excitement of the Season in years to come, I shall set myself up as a chaperon for daughters of rich cits wis.h.i.+ng to marry well!”
Lucille sensibly chose to disregard most of this. ”Do you think,” she said carefully, 'that there is any likelihood of yourself and Lord Henry making a match of it? He has told me that he still holds you in the greatest esteem--' But Polly was shaking her head violently.
”Oh, no, Lucille, that is impossible! Why, I am sure he had nothing but contempt for my poor-spirit ness in refusing to elope with him five years ago and now I imagine he scarce thinks of me at all!”
She broke off, evading Lucille's eyes. Impossible to explain to her sister-in-law that the most potent reason that Lord Henry could no longer have any interest in her was because he had quite obviously formed a romantic attachment to Lucille herself. Polly wondered just how innocent Lucille could be. She had no doubt that the attachment was one-sided and entirely emotional rather than physical. But how could Lucille not have noticed that Lord Henry was forever in her company, seeking her views and advice, valuing her opinion? Why, even Sea grave himself had commented humorously what a lap dog Harry March night was becoming, forever following his wife about.
Polly searched rather desperately for a change of subject.
”Do you think that you shall be joining the Bettering Society, Lucille?”
”Probably not,” her sister-in-law answered.
”Nicholas has suggested that we travel a little at the end of the Season, and since I am still awaiting my wedding trip, I thought to encourage him!
But--' she returned to the previous subject with an obstinacy for which she was well known '--we were speaking of you, Polly, not of myself! If you truly feel that any awkwardness with Lord Henry must be in the past now, why do the two of you spend all your time skulking behind trees or pillars in an effort to avoid each other?
It makes matters very difficult for the rest of us! Why, Nicholas was saying only the other day that he wished to ask Harry's advice on those greys he was thinking of buying, but he hesitated in case you accidently b.u.mped into him! Could you not speak to Lord Henry and put an end to this, Polly? ” Polly stared in disbelief.
”Speak to him,” she echoed faintly.
”Whatever can you mean, Lucille? Oh, I could not!”
Lucille's brows rose at this missish response. She knew that Lady Appollonia Grace Sea grave was a well-brought-up and entirely orthodox daughter of the n.o.bility, but had not thought her merely a pretty ninny hammer.
”Well, upon my word, I only meant that you should discuss matters with him--clear the air!” she repeated patiently.