Chapter 48 (1/2)

Chapter 48: Princess Chronoire

“Although it’s rude for me not to reward you for helping me, currently I don’t have that many things in my possession. That’s right!  Would you come together with me to the castle? I would definitely be able to reward you once we get there.” (Chronoire)

“No thanks, we’re in a hurry. Just your feeling is fine. Well then.” (Est)

If the princess is related to people of high position, I could smell nothing but trouble. The correct answer is to leave quickly. When we tried to hastily return to the carriage, the two knights holding weapon a while ago had blocked our path. They surrounded us! What’s wrong with them? What do the hate about us, as they’re glaring at us with cold stares.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Who do you think you are to decline the invitation from the princess!”

“That’s right!  Your decision doesn’t matter. You should just come to the castle as told.”

..what the heck is wrong with these guys? This is coercion no matter how you look at it, don’t you understand that you’re only antagonizing the other party? Although I’m not sure sure if it’s okay to raise my hand against the princess’s bodyguard, but as there’s no other guard here, let’s go without reserve here. I’m the type that will act polite when they’re polite, rude when they’re rude.

“Although you go as far as saying that, I really hate the att.i.tude of the two of you. Apologies for the rudeness.” (Est)

I even go as far as prostrating on the ground. Although the princess is a little bit surprised by my words, that couldn’t be said to be the same for the two guards. If they’re the princess’s bodyguard, it could easily be said that their family’s standings are great as well as having great strength. There might have not been any man that had resisted like me considering their social position, they’re brandis.h.i.+ng their sword with a bright red face.although I’m in no place to say this, but they’re easily p.i.s.sed huh?

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Do you think you’re safe just by doing that after saying such a thing?”

“Yeah! Although we’re having a hard time against the because of their surprise attack, there’s no way we will be defeated if it’s a fight from the front!”

They’re really annoying speaking in a set like that. These two get mad way too much, it seems that matters like the princess had vanished from their head. The princess have it tough too I guess, having bodyguard with such a simple head.


“Eat this!”

These two is level 18 and 19. Even if Shallie fights alone, she could win with a huge margin with this. I lightly exchange blow  with the attacks from the left that is so slow it could make me yawn, I sneak to his back and quickly drop my knees at both of his knees. It’s the so-called Hizakakkun. I ignore his surprised expression while falling on his backside, and faced the other guy.

[T.N: “ヒザカックン”, or Hizakakkun is basically the j.a.panese term for the pranks kids used by sneaking up behind someone and use your knees on their knees to make them fall. Pretty sure if you’re a boy you’ve done this at least once in your life. If not, please reevaluate your life.]

I twist my body and dodge the sword swung at my head, and delivered a punch at his throat while he’s still in a position of swing his sword, making him fall on the ground.

I guess they’re pretty shocked to have been handled easily without being able to land a single hit,  the man who falls on his back had an absent minded expression, and the man that got knocked down is lying on the ground coughing intensely as he’s unable to breathe. I did say I’ll take the fight anyone throw at me, but I am a little bit anxious as the other party is the princess, but it seems that it was an unnecessary worry. That is because the princess is giggling while looking at her bodyguards.

“You’re really amazing. First time I see those two beeing treated like a child. I’m sorry. I apologize for their disrespect. If you have already released your anger, would you please come with me?” (Chronoire)

The princess bowed when she said that. Although the bodyguards are yelling something seeing the princess bowing, I ignore them. This is a little bit unexpected. Since I thought that the n.o.bles are only conceited people who didn’t treat the other party as human, it’s a bit unexpected seeing one of them lower her head like this.if she apologized in acknowledgment of the misbehavior of the subordinate, it is necessary to change the evaluation of this princess a little. If I was asked politely, then it need to be answered with courtesy too.

“For now let’s just say we’ll accompany you there. Before that, shouldn’t we arrest the lying here?” (Est)

“Thank you. Hey two of you, if your heads are still okay then come arrest these people.” (Chronoire)