Part 3 (1/2)

This Cheetham was an able man, and said to himself, ”I'll nail him for Hillsborough, directly. London mustn't have a hand that can beat us at anything in our line.”

He found Henry out, and offered him constant employment, as a forger and cutler of carving-tools, at L4 per week.

Henry's black eyes sparkled, but he restrained himself. ”That's to be thought of. I must speak to my old lady. She is not at home just now.”

He did speak to her, and she put her two hands together and said, ”Hillsborough! Oh Henry!” and the tears stood in her eyes directly.

”Well, don't fret,” said he: ”it is only saying no.”

So when Mr. Cheetham called again for the reply, Henry declined, with thanks. On this, Mr. Cheetham never moved, but smiled, and offered him L6 per week, and his journey free.

Henry went into another room, and argued the matter. ”Come, mother, he is up to L6 a week now; and that is every s.h.i.+lling I'm worth; and, when I get an apprentice, it will be L9 clear to us.”

”The sight of the place!” objected Mrs. Little, hiding her face in her hands instinctively.

He kissed her, and talked good manly sense to her, and begged her to have more courage.

She was little able to deny him, and she consented; but cried, out of his sight, a good many times about it.

As for Henry, strong in the consciousness of power and skill, he felt glad he was going to Hillsborough. ”Many a workman has risen to the top of the tree in that place,” said he. ”Why, this very Cheetham was grinding saws in a water-wheel ten years ago, I've heard uncle Joe say.

Come, mother, don't you be a baby! I'll settle you in a cottage outside the smoke; you shall make a palace of it; and we'll rise in the very town where we fell, and friends and foes shall see us.”

Mr. Cheetham purchased both the carving and the tools to exhibit in Hillsborough; and the purchase-money, less a heavy commission, was paid to Henry. He showed Mrs. Little thirty pounds, and helped her pack up; and next day they reached Hillsborough by train.

Henry took a close cab, and carried his mother off to the suburbs in search of a lodging. She wore a thick veil, and laid her head on her son's shoulder, and held his brown though elegant hand with her white fingers, that quivered a little as she pa.s.sed through the well-known streets.

As for Henry, he felt quite triumphant and grand, and consoled her in an off-hand, hearty way. ”Come, cheer up, and face the music. They have all forgotten you by this time, and, when they do see you again, you shall be as good as the best of them. I don't drink, and I've got a trade all to myself here, and I'd rather make my fortune in this town than any other; and, mother, you have been a good friend to me; I won't ever marry till I have done you justice, and made you the queen of this very town.”

And so he rattled on, in such high spirits, that the great soft thing began to smile with motherly love and pride through her tears, ere they found a lodging.

Next day to the works, and there the foreman showed him a small forge on the ground floor, and a vacant room above to make his handles in and put the tools together; the blades were to be ground, whetted, and finished by cheaper hands.

A quick-eared grinder soon came up to them, and said roughly, ”Ain't we to wet new forge?”

”They want their drink out of you,” said the foreman; and whispered, in great anxiety, ”Don't say no, or you might as well work in a wasp's nest as here.”

”All right,” said Henry, cheerfully. ”I'm no drinker myself, but I'll stand what is customary.”

”That is right,” said Foreman Bayne. ”'Twill cost you fifteen s.h.i.+llings.

But Peace is cheap at as many guineas.”

The word was given, and every man who worked on the same floor with Henry turned out to drink at his expense, and left off work for a good hour. With some exceptions they were a rough lot, and showed little friendliness or good-humor over it. One even threw out a hint that no c.o.c.kney forges were wanted in Hillsborough. But another took him up, and said, ”Maybe not; but you are not much of a man to drink his liquor and grudge him his bread.”

After this waste of time and money, Henry went back to the works, and a workman told him rather sulkily, he was wanted in the foreman's office.

He went in, and there was a lovely girl of eighteen, who looked at him with undisguised curiosity, and addressed him thus: ”Sir, is it you that carve wood so beautifully?”

Henry blushed, and hesitated; and that made the young lady blush herself a very little, and she said, ”I wished to take lessons in carving.”

Then, as he did not reply, she turned to Mr. Bayne. ”But perhaps he objects to teach other people?”