Part 4 (1/2)
'She is so tired that she had better go to bed directly, Mrs. Halfpenny.
You will make her comfortable, and don't let her be disturbed in the morning till she has had her sleep out.'
Dolly found herself undressed, without many words, till it came to--'Your prayers, Miss Dora. I am sure you've need not to miss them.'
She did not like to be told, besides, poor child, prayers were not much more than a form to her. She did not contest the point, but knelt down and muttered something, then laid her weary head on the pillow, was tucked up by Mrs. Halfpenny, and left in the dark. It was a dreary half sleep into which she fell. The noise of the train seemed to be still in her ears, and at the same time she was always being driven up--up--up endless stairs, by tall, cruel aunts; or they were shutting her up to do all their children's work, and keeping away father's letters from her.
Then she awoke and told herself it was a dream, but she missed the noises of the street, and the patch of light on the wall from the gas lamps, and recollected that father was gone, and she was really in the power of one of these cruel aunts; and she felt like screaming, only then she might have been heard; and a great horrid clock went on making a noise like a church bell, and striking so many odd quarters that there was no guessing when morning was coming. And after all, why should she wish it to come? Oh, if she could but sleep the three years while father was away!
At last, however, she fell into a really calm sleep, and when she awoke, the room was full of light, but her watch had stopped; she had been too much tired to remember to wind it; and she lay a little while hearing sounds that made it clear that the world was astir, and she could see that preparations had been made for her getting up.
'They shan't begin by scolding me for being late,' she thought, and she began her toilette.
Just as she came to her hair, the old nurse knocked and asked whether she wanted help.
'Thank you, I've been used to dress myself,' said Dolores, rather proudly.
'I'll help you now, missy, for prayers are over, and they are all gone to breakfast, only my lady said you were not to be disturbed, and Miss Mysie will be up presently again to bring you down.'
She spoke low, and in an accent that Dolores afterwards learnt was Scotch; and she was a tall, thin, bony woman, with sandy hair, who looked as if she had never been young. She brushed and plaited the dark hair in a manner that seemed to the owner more wearisome and less tender than Caroline's fas.h.i.+on; and did not talk more than to inquire into the fas.h.i.+on of wearing it, and to say that Miss Mohun's boxes had been sent from London, demanding the keys that they might be unpacked.
'I can do that myself,' said Dolores, who did not like any stranger to meddle with her things.
'Ye could tak them oot, nae doubt, but I must sort them. It's my lady's orders,' said Mrs. Halfpenny, with all the determination of the sergeant, her husband, and Dolores, with a sense of despair, and a sort of expectation that she should be deprived of all her treasures on one plea or another, gave up the keys.
Mrs. Halfpenny then observed that the frock which had been worn for the last two days on the railway, and evening and morning, needed a better brus.h.i.+ng and setting to rights than she had had time to give it. She had better take out another. Which box were her frocks in?
Dolores expected her heartless relations to insist on her leaving off her mourning, and she knew she ought to struggle and shed tears over it; but, to tell the truth, she was a good deal tired of her hot and fusty black; and when she had followed Mrs. Halfpenny into a pa.s.sage where the boxes stood uncorded; and the first dress that came to light was a pretty fresh-looking holland that had been sent home just before the accident, she exclaimed--
'Oh, let me put that on.'
'Bless me, miss, it has blue braid, and you in mourning for your poor mamma!'
Dolores stood abashed, but a grey alpaca, which she had always much disliked, came out next, and Mrs. Halfpenny decided that with her black ribbons that would do, though it turned out to be rather shockingly short, and to show a great display of black legs; but as the box containing the clothes in present wear had not come to hand, this must stand for the present--and besides, a voice was heard, saying, 'Is Dora ready?' and a young person darted up, put her arms round her neck, and kissed her before she knew what she was about. 'Mamma said I should come because I am just your age, thirteen and a half,' she said. 'I'm Mysie, though my proper name is Maria Millicent.'
Dolores looked her over. She was a good deal taller than herself, and had rich-looking s.h.i.+ning brown hair, dark brown eyes full of merriment, and a bright rosy colour, and she danced on her active feet as if she were full of perpetual life. 'All happy and not caring,' thought Dolores.
'Now don't fash Miss Mohun with your tricks. She has stood like a lamb,'
said Mrs. Halfpenny reprovingly. 'There, we'll not keep her to find an ap.r.o.n.'
'I don't wear pinafores,' said Mysie, 'but I don't mind pretty ap.r.o.ns like this. 'Why, my sisters had them for tennis, before they went out to India. Come along, Dora,' grasping her hand.
'My name isn't Dora,' said the new-comer, as they went down the pa.s.sage.
'No,' said Mysie, in a low voice; 'but mamma told Gill--that's Gillian, and me, that we had better not tell anybody, because if the boys heard they might tease you so about it; for Wilfred is a tease, and there's no stopping him when mamma isn't there. So she said she would call you Dora, or Dolly, whichever you liked, and you are not a bit like a Dolly.'
'They always called me Dolly,' said Dolores; 'and if I am not to have my name, I like that best; but I had rather have my proper name.'
'Oh, very well,' said Mysie; 'it is more out of the way, only it is very long.'
By this time they had descended a long narrow flight of uncarpeted stairs, 'the back ones,' as Mysie explained, and had reached a slippery oak hall with high-backed chairs, and all the odds and ends of a family-garden hats, waterproofs, galoshes, bats, rackets, umbrellas, etc., ranged round, and a great white c.o.c.katoo upon a stand, who observed--'Mysie, c.o.c.kie wants his breakfast,' as they went by towards the door, whence proceeded a hubbub of voices and a clatter of knives and jingle of teaspoons and cups, a room that as Mysie threw open the door seemed a blaze of suns.h.i.+ne, pouring in at the large window, and reflected in the gla.s.s and silver. Yes, and in the bright eyes and glossy hair of the party who sat round the breakfast-table, further brightened by the fire, pleasant in the early autumn.