355 The Showdown 4 (1/2)

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Everyone stopped what they were doing as Kings, whose presence seemed to have the effect of restoring the ceremony to its original state, grand and sophisticated, appeared on stage. While all eyes were on the veteran author, Coin crossed his arms.

”This sure takes me back,” Kings said in a calm tone of voice, adding a brief anecdote about standing on the stage as the presenter, as well as the significance behind the award. Although speaking while looking directly ahead, he didn't seem to make eye contact with the audience members.

”This year's ceremony is a special one.”

Kings listed the novels that had been nominated in the full-length category of the award, which included Yun Woo's and Coin's.

”What the h.e.l.l is that guy looking at?” Coin murmured, and Juho replied, ”I'm sure he's looking at the people standing by the door.”

”Nah. He probably has to go to the restroom.”

At Coin's absurd remark, Juho looked around to make sure that n.o.body else had heard it. Fortunately, everyone was listening intently to the presenter's speech.

”Now, I don't have to remind you all that every single one of these books is a gem. Which is also why that we're all dying to know who the winner is, right?”

While some breathed slowly, a person in front of Juho took their phone out. The winner was about to be announced. Then, waving the envelope in his hand, Kings said, ”Whose name will we find in this envelope?”

The audience groaned and cheered at the same time. Kings seemed to be quite skilled at being a presenter. He neither dragged on for too long nor talked excessively. Juho saw some of the people in his party holding hands while looking desperate. At which point, Juho's heart also started thumping.

”Let's take a look, shall we?” the presenter said, untying the ribbon on the envelope and opening it quickly. As Kings took out the card and looked down for the first time, Juho saw Coin clenching his hands into fists from the corner of his eyes.

”The winner of the full-length category is…”

The antic.i.p.ation kept everyone on their toes. Then, as Juho locked eyes with Kings for a split second, the presenter said, ”Yun Woo!”

As the winner was announced, the authors around Juho patted him on the shoulders and/or reached out for a handshake, pus.h.i.+ng him up to the stage like a wave.


Before Juho realized it, he found himself on the stage, standing under the bright, scorching spotlight. As Juho blinked, a clear, yet sparkling trophy appeared in front of his eyes. It felt unlike anything he had ever experienced before. The trophy also looked completely different from his previous one. Juho swallowed nervously.

”Incredible,” Kings said, patting the young author on the shoulder.

”Thank you,” Juho said, sounding much calmer than people had expected. There were still cheers and applause coming from the audience. At that moment, Kings came closer and whispered, ”Feels good, doesn't it?”

”It doesn't feel bad. That's for sure,” Juho said honestly.

”Isn't it beautiful?”

”It sure is.”

”It's not easy being up here at your age, Mr. Woo. Well done.”

Then, upon locking eyes with the presenter, Kings said, ”Look,” pointing toward a certain direction. The audience members were sitting in the dark in a much lower place, and it was nearly impossible to see them from where Juho was. The stage felt like a completely different place, separated from the rest of the world.



Feeling his heart thumping, Juho looked toward the audience, thinking that perhaps he was there to see something that he hadn't been able to before. 'What's in the dark?' As his eyes adjusted to the dark, Juho heard a voice call for him: ”Juho!”

What finally came into view were the familiar faces covering their mouths, throwing their hands into the air, crying. When Juho saw that Coin was still crossing his arms, he couldn't help but laugh.

”With all due respect, Mr. Kings, I'm not falling for it again.”

”It's a good look you have there,” Kings said, nodding.

With that, Juho stepped forward, delivered a short speech, and walked down from the stage feeling blissful.

”Please! Get a grip of yourself!”

”Mr. Woo! I… I...” Dong Baek said, wailing, unable to finish his sentence. Seeing the people pa.s.sing by glance over in the president's direction, Juho genuinely hoped that he would get a hold of himself. While Jang Mi covered her mouth in disbelief, Nabi had her hands up in the air, still looking ecstatic. At that moment...

”Mr. Woo! Mr. Woo!”

A voice called out to the young author. Wide open doors, quiet conference hall, empty chairs, rowdy hallways. The winners of the awards were coming together for pictures, giving interviews with their trophies in hand, or talking to their acquaintances.

”Could you spare some time for an interview?”

Leaving Dong Baek behind, who was still sniffling, Juho nodded affirmatively.

”Could you pick up your trophy?” a cameraman asked the young author, and Juho picked up his trophy from where he had left it.

”Congratulations, Mr. Woo,” the interviewer said. After giving a short debrief of the situation to the camera, he asked the young author, ”How was it going up on that stage for the first time?”

”It was very, very bright.”

”Were you nervous at all?”

”My heart was racing, so that's probably saying something.”

The reporter seemed quite fond of the author.

”Is there anything you'd like to say to the people who voted for you? For example...” the reporter brought up other authors whom he had interviewed prior to Juho, using their answers as examples.

”I'm always thankful to my readers.”

”I heard the audience went crazy when your name got called. What was it like being on the receiving end of all of those cheers and applause from your colleagues?”

”I felt like I didn't deserve it. I wished that the light would s.h.i.+ne on the audience too. It was hard to see from the stage.”

”Did you talk to Coin after winning?” the reporter asked, his eyes sparkling uncomfortably.

”Yes, I did.”

”What did you two talk about?”

”He congratulated me. Of course, he didn't forget to badmouth the trophy and complain about the ceremony.”

Although the reporter seemed to want more information, Juho drew the line and spoke no further.

”So, this is about another award that's essentially a sibling-counterpart to the Nebula. The ceremony for the Hugo Award is coming up soon. Are you confident that you can beat Coin?”

”Seems like you didn't hear my speech just now,” Juho said, chuckling.

”I'm sorry?”

”I'm pretty sure I said that I don't believe that I've beaten Coin.”

The reporter hesitated briefly. Then, in a confident voice, he explained, ”Let me clarify. I meant to point out that you won the award over Coin. You did want that trophy, didn't you? I presume that's why you're here?”

Fiddling with the trophy in his hand, Juho replayed one of the questions Kings had asked him: ”You ever thought to yourself that you could let go of your fear of defeat if you could just get that trophy?” Upon receiving the trophy, Juho realized that the award didn't have the power to invalidate the consensus between him and Coin. With a mischievous smile on his face, Juho replied, ”Which is why I'm not planning on attending that ceremony.”

The air sank into silence. Blinking rapidly, the reporter asked, ”I'm sorry, did you just say that you're not attending the Hugo ceremony?”