242 The Double Crown 3 (1/2)
Translated by: ShawnSuh
Edited by: SootyOwl
”Whew, finally!”
After landing at JFK Airport, Juho stretched as he walked out of the plane. His entire body felt stiff after being in the airplane for so long. Although the airport was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with people, Nam Kyung skillfully led Juho out of it.
”We should go out. Isabella's waiting outside.”
”All right.”
Walking past the giant American flag at the airport, Juho followed his editor outside. The New York air felt somewhat different from the air in Korea, and as they saw the foreigners going about their ways on the streets, it dawned on Juho that he really was an outsider. The graffiti on the walls looked just like they did in the movies. The thunderous sound of engines roared in the sky. The plane flying across the sky seemed a lot bigger than usual. While the young author was looking around, Nam Kyung struck up a conversation with him, ”Having fun?”
”Yeah. We really are in New York.”
”How is it?”
”Let's just say that it feels like a big city.”
”That sounds about right. Shopping is just about the only thing there is to do around here,” the editor said, shaking his head and adding that he had never had a positive experience while visiting New York. It wasn't clear whether it was the weather or the buildings around them, but the entire city seemed to have a grey tinge to it.
”There she is,” the editor said. When Juho looked forward, he saw Isabella leaning against her car, looking in their direction. Then, spotting them from the distance, she walked toward them.
”Welcome to the US,” she said light-heartedly, and Nam Kyung greeted her back in a slightly stiff English, ”How have you been?”
”I've been well. Mr. Woo… or, uh… would it be better to call you Juho?”
”Yes, no need to be so formal.”
Then, being conscious of the people around her, she added, ”It seems like you've been doing well yourself, Juho.”
She drove a British car. After putting his bags in the trunk, Juho entered the car and sat in the back seat, while Nam Kyung sat on the pa.s.senger's side. Enjoying the comfortable ride, the young author looked out the window and watched the scenery roll by. Although the sights were unfamiliar, there was nothing that felt new because Juho was able to understand every word Isabella and Nam Kyung was saying in the car. Rather than a foreign country, it felt more like his first time visiting Myungdong. A yellow cab rushed pa.s.sed them. Then, stopping at a red light, Isabella said, ”We're headed for Manhattan now, and you'll be staying in Coin's apartment there for the next three days.”
”Three days?”
”Yes. You might as well get a look around while you're in the States before you see Coin. After that, we'll be on our way to his villa, which he uses as his studio. He should be back from Worldcon by the time we get there. Until then, you're free to look around.”
Then, she added in a hurry,” Oh, one more thing. I'd like for you to understand that our schedule heavily reflects Coin's opinions.”
After brief contemplation, Juho asked, ”Do you think we can see the apartment building in Manhattan?”
”It's a luxurious building that Coin bought for himself with the money he made from his books. I'm sure he means to ensure that his guests have a good time.”
At that, Juho was made certain that Coin was looking to show off his possessions and wealth.
”When we get to his villa, you'll be able to meet Susan as well.”
Knowing that Susan had made appearances in a number of Coin's books in various forms, Juho grew curious as to what she would be like in person.
”Is the villa luxurious too?”
”It's a place known for corn plantations. You'll see why he chose that place to write when we get there.”
From then on, Isabella took Juho and Nam Kyung around Manhattan, to Fifth Avenue and the St. Patrick's Cathedral.
”Well, how are you feeling? The Hugo Award Ceremony is just around the corner,” she asked, locking eyes with the young author through the mirror. Then, he cracked the window open slightly and said, ”Not bad. Not bad at all.”
”You seem a lot calmer than I thought you would be. Are you expecting you'll win?”
”No way.”
”If I were in your shoes, I'd be dancing up and down.”
”It's too early to celebrate, isn't it?”
”You'll see what I mean once we get to the bookstore,” having a solid understanding of the characteristics of the Hugo Award, she said honestly. Similar to the time when Coin came out with his soph.o.m.ore t.i.tle after his debut t.i.tle turned out to be a failure, Yun Woo was currently among the most prominent figures in the literary world. While everyone was wary of the young author on one hand, they were curious on the other. Whether they viewed him from a positive or negative perspective, it was undeniable that they were fixing their eyes on him.
”You, Mr. Woo, are a very strong candidate,” Isabella said. Many of her professional acquaintances shared a similar opinion.
Yet, with a shrug, the young author answered modestly, ”You never know, just like how I had no idea that Kelley Coin would invite me to his house.”
”You got me there. I had no idea that you'd come to the States, either,” she said, studying Juho's face. Unlike Coin, he was calm. He wasn't in the habit of frowning or cheering out loud. He was quite the riveting person, and she thought to herself that Coin should learn to be more like the young author.
”If Coin were in my shoes, do you think he would've been going around telling people that he'd win?”
Though Isabella was caught off guard by the young author's timely question, she was still able to respond with ease, ”I'd say to the point of arrogance. He'd even go as far as telling people that it would be wrong for that trophy not to end up in his hands.”
”Well, I guess he's earned the right to.”
Then, looking ahead, she added, ”So have you.”
Much like Coin, Yun Woo was also a world-renowned author. However, the young author simply smiled quietly. Meanwhile, listening to their conversation, Nam Kyung read the articles that were turning up in real-time on his phone.
”The Double Crown! The Next Challenge of the First Asian Nebula Winner!”
”What is the Hugo Award? A Prestigious Literary Award Named After the President of a Famous American Magazine with a History of Half a Century.”
”Who Has Earned the Double Crown Thus Far? Will Yun Woo Be Able to Jump the Wall That Was Too High Even for Kelley Coin?”
”The Doubts of Critics Overseas. 'How Was a Country Void of Support, Educational Facilities, and Investiment for Writers Able to Produce an Author Like Yun Woo? He's Like a Bird That Came Down from the Sky. We Don't Know Where He Came From or Where He's Headed.”
”Yun Woo, the New Wave in the Literary World. His Future Trajectory. What Makes His Writing So Special?”
”The Ever-So-Controversial Writing Style of the Young Author. Split-Personality Theory, Proven To Be True? Critics Overseas Speak.”
”Yun Woo, a World-Renowned Author Who is Still in School. What's He Got to Say? Where Is He? A Wave of International Media Floods South Korea. His Publisher Remains Silent.”